Joel Connelly of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer said, "An infusion of political talent from the Bush operation: Karl Rove-trained operatives: have hijacked the Straight Talk Express and are driving it into the mud.
" No more "Mr.
Nice Guy for Senator John McCain from Straight Talk, Arizona.
" The Swift-Boat slime may be his his only hope.
Who would have thunk it? I'll tell you a secret.
I knew the Swift-Boats would be back, that Karl Rove would be back, that Obama would be slimed.
Cartoonist have already made Obama the stereotype lazy black man.
He is criticized because he is too popular, too smart and in undertone, too black.
Yes, that is what happened to Dukakis, Kerry, Adlai Stevenson and Barry Arizona, also of Arizona, they were slimed.
Governor Dewey also got slimed into oblivion.
The American Political scene has always been a pit of long-tonged vipers who have deep fangs that can poison the reputation of great and competent men.
If you stand beside your opponent and look shorter, fatter, balder, older and slightly stooped over, you have to kick him in the shins and went he bends over, kick him you know where.
Once you get him on the ground, you trample him to death.
The (Bush / Rove?) Swift-Boaters stripped Kerry of his medals.
I saw this happen to a member of my unit when we were on the way home form Korea.
When we checked in for new uniforms on our way home we were given whatever decorations we had won.
Any way, a guy walked up to my associate on the ship home and said, "Nobody could earn that many medals!" He did look like Audie Murphy, the most decorated hero of WW II.
Thank God that Audie Murphy never ran for president with Swift-Boaters around, the scum of the Universe.
My associate pulled off his medals and threw them into the ocean.
This caused a big stink amongst his close friends and I thought they were going to throw the Swift-Boater into the ocean.
The would have if they were not being watched.
The fact of the matter is that commendation are not just handed put by the military, The higher award, the tougher it is to get.
The highest medal winner undergoes investigation by congress and the process take 18 months.
It was OK for the Swift-Boaters to be unhappy with Kerry's stance of the Vietnam War.
They had the right to clobber him on that.
But to dream up their version of how Kerry won his ribbons was dishonest and stupid.
General Clark took a crack at John McCain saying that the fact he was in the Hanoi Hilton for over five (5) years did not prepare him for the Presidency.
Then a guard of the Hanoi Hilton said that John McCain was never punished there.
I guess putting a prisoner in a cage for five years is not punishment.
Maybe McCain never took correspondence courses on government from Harvard University while caged, but he surely learned about life, men and enemies.
What prepares a man for the presidency anyway? It's ones combined life experience.
Actually, the most incompetent buffoon can be elected President of our country.
That has happened more than once.
Very intelligent men like Adlai Stevenson are seldom elected.
I often wonder how Thomas Jefferson ever made it.
I don't want to say that those of the electorate are stupid.
I'll just say that they don't care about what is right about a candidate.
They want to know who to vote against so they look at what is perceived to be what is wrong with a candidate.
They want to know, "Which one of these politicians is the worst? Either one is going to give us the shaft.
" A real estate agent told me that you can not sell the bad points of a house.
You ignore them.
In politics you ignore your own faults but not the faults of your opponent.
If your opponents faults are not evident, you dream some up like McCain is now doing.
According to U.
News & World Report, the following are the dirtiest campaigns in history: Moore Attacks Jefferson "Federalists framed Jefferson as a slummer, the kind of person with his head in the sky from reading too much French philosophy, who didn't seem to understand there ought to be a certain hierarchy between the classes," says Jeff Pasley, a historian at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Federalist operatives went after Jefferson's deistic religious leanings and lack of military brawn during the Revolution.
And they helped spread rumors about Jefferson fathering children with Sally Hemings, one of his slaves.
" Murchison's Fake Letter "George Osgoodby, a Republican in California, sent a letter to the British ambassador to the United States under the pretense that he was a British expatriate named Charles Murchison who wanted to know the candidate who would best "favor England's interests.
" When the ambassador endorsed Cleveland, he unknowingly stepped into the Republicans' trap; the party trumpeted his letter around the country as evidence that Cleveland had been pro-British all along.
" Swift Boat Campaign "Calling themselves the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, they claimed that Kerry lied about actions in Vietnam that earned him medals.
The group-which had no official tie to the Bush campaign-also said Kerry dishonored troops with his 1971 Senate testimony alleging American atrocities in Vietnam.
The commercials drove home Kerry's break with many Vietnam-era soldiers and, among undecided voters who knew little about Kerry, raised questions about his record.
" Jefferson ignored the slurs and won by a landslide.
Kerry and Cleveland lost.
So Swift-Boating can win you an election or it can backfire.
McCain is ready to take that risk.
Fly Old Glory
" No more "Mr.
Nice Guy for Senator John McCain from Straight Talk, Arizona.
" The Swift-Boat slime may be his his only hope.
Who would have thunk it? I'll tell you a secret.
I knew the Swift-Boats would be back, that Karl Rove would be back, that Obama would be slimed.
Cartoonist have already made Obama the stereotype lazy black man.
He is criticized because he is too popular, too smart and in undertone, too black.
Yes, that is what happened to Dukakis, Kerry, Adlai Stevenson and Barry Arizona, also of Arizona, they were slimed.
Governor Dewey also got slimed into oblivion.
The American Political scene has always been a pit of long-tonged vipers who have deep fangs that can poison the reputation of great and competent men.
If you stand beside your opponent and look shorter, fatter, balder, older and slightly stooped over, you have to kick him in the shins and went he bends over, kick him you know where.
Once you get him on the ground, you trample him to death.
The (Bush / Rove?) Swift-Boaters stripped Kerry of his medals.
I saw this happen to a member of my unit when we were on the way home form Korea.
When we checked in for new uniforms on our way home we were given whatever decorations we had won.
Any way, a guy walked up to my associate on the ship home and said, "Nobody could earn that many medals!" He did look like Audie Murphy, the most decorated hero of WW II.
Thank God that Audie Murphy never ran for president with Swift-Boaters around, the scum of the Universe.
My associate pulled off his medals and threw them into the ocean.
This caused a big stink amongst his close friends and I thought they were going to throw the Swift-Boater into the ocean.
The would have if they were not being watched.
The fact of the matter is that commendation are not just handed put by the military, The higher award, the tougher it is to get.
The highest medal winner undergoes investigation by congress and the process take 18 months.
It was OK for the Swift-Boaters to be unhappy with Kerry's stance of the Vietnam War.
They had the right to clobber him on that.
But to dream up their version of how Kerry won his ribbons was dishonest and stupid.
General Clark took a crack at John McCain saying that the fact he was in the Hanoi Hilton for over five (5) years did not prepare him for the Presidency.
Then a guard of the Hanoi Hilton said that John McCain was never punished there.
I guess putting a prisoner in a cage for five years is not punishment.
Maybe McCain never took correspondence courses on government from Harvard University while caged, but he surely learned about life, men and enemies.
What prepares a man for the presidency anyway? It's ones combined life experience.
Actually, the most incompetent buffoon can be elected President of our country.
That has happened more than once.
Very intelligent men like Adlai Stevenson are seldom elected.
I often wonder how Thomas Jefferson ever made it.
I don't want to say that those of the electorate are stupid.
I'll just say that they don't care about what is right about a candidate.
They want to know who to vote against so they look at what is perceived to be what is wrong with a candidate.
They want to know, "Which one of these politicians is the worst? Either one is going to give us the shaft.
" A real estate agent told me that you can not sell the bad points of a house.
You ignore them.
In politics you ignore your own faults but not the faults of your opponent.
If your opponents faults are not evident, you dream some up like McCain is now doing.
According to U.
News & World Report, the following are the dirtiest campaigns in history: Moore Attacks Jefferson "Federalists framed Jefferson as a slummer, the kind of person with his head in the sky from reading too much French philosophy, who didn't seem to understand there ought to be a certain hierarchy between the classes," says Jeff Pasley, a historian at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Federalist operatives went after Jefferson's deistic religious leanings and lack of military brawn during the Revolution.
And they helped spread rumors about Jefferson fathering children with Sally Hemings, one of his slaves.
" Murchison's Fake Letter "George Osgoodby, a Republican in California, sent a letter to the British ambassador to the United States under the pretense that he was a British expatriate named Charles Murchison who wanted to know the candidate who would best "favor England's interests.
" When the ambassador endorsed Cleveland, he unknowingly stepped into the Republicans' trap; the party trumpeted his letter around the country as evidence that Cleveland had been pro-British all along.
" Swift Boat Campaign "Calling themselves the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, they claimed that Kerry lied about actions in Vietnam that earned him medals.
The group-which had no official tie to the Bush campaign-also said Kerry dishonored troops with his 1971 Senate testimony alleging American atrocities in Vietnam.
The commercials drove home Kerry's break with many Vietnam-era soldiers and, among undecided voters who knew little about Kerry, raised questions about his record.
" Jefferson ignored the slurs and won by a landslide.
Kerry and Cleveland lost.
So Swift-Boating can win you an election or it can backfire.
McCain is ready to take that risk.
Fly Old Glory