Starting a business is a time of immense stress when it comes to money. You need startup capital and equipment, not to mention wages for employees and actually purchasing product or supplies. This is why getting a business cash advance can make your troubles ease at least momentarily. Having the money to do these things is certainly a huge load off of your shoulders. But it won't be too long before you need to start worrying about paying back this loan.
Thankfully, paying back a cash advance for business is relatively straight forward. Your sales will come in the majority from credit card sales. To qualify for a working capital loan you will need more than fifty percent of your sales to come from credit cards. Then, depending upon the terms of your working capital loan, you will have a set percentage of these sales taken directly from you by the company that lent you the money. This percentage is fixed. It cannot be higher or lower. Let's say for the sake of example that thirty twenty-five of your credit card sales are taken from you to pay back your loan. This means if you sell one hundred dollars worth of product in a day that twenty-five dollars will be paid to the loan company. This also means, however, that if you sell ten thousand dollars worth of product, you will be paying twenty-five hundred dollars toward the principle of your loan.
This is actually quite a relief for business owners. It means that you don't have a monthly payment to worry about. If you got a traditional loan, you might have to pay a fixed amount of one thousand dollars a month to the company. In slow times, you might be seriously scraping to pay your employees, keep your doors open, and continue to pay the loan. With a merchant cash advance, you pay as you go and only what you've already sold. It's as simple as that.
If you find yourself in a windfall where you make more money than you thought, you can pay more than your set percentage. This will help you to pay off the loan faster and to keep your interest to a minimum.
This is how a merchant cash advance payment plan works in a fairly general sense. For more in depth information, you'll have to review your contract with your loan department.
Thankfully, paying back a cash advance for business is relatively straight forward. Your sales will come in the majority from credit card sales. To qualify for a working capital loan you will need more than fifty percent of your sales to come from credit cards. Then, depending upon the terms of your working capital loan, you will have a set percentage of these sales taken directly from you by the company that lent you the money. This percentage is fixed. It cannot be higher or lower. Let's say for the sake of example that thirty twenty-five of your credit card sales are taken from you to pay back your loan. This means if you sell one hundred dollars worth of product in a day that twenty-five dollars will be paid to the loan company. This also means, however, that if you sell ten thousand dollars worth of product, you will be paying twenty-five hundred dollars toward the principle of your loan.
This is actually quite a relief for business owners. It means that you don't have a monthly payment to worry about. If you got a traditional loan, you might have to pay a fixed amount of one thousand dollars a month to the company. In slow times, you might be seriously scraping to pay your employees, keep your doors open, and continue to pay the loan. With a merchant cash advance, you pay as you go and only what you've already sold. It's as simple as that.
If you find yourself in a windfall where you make more money than you thought, you can pay more than your set percentage. This will help you to pay off the loan faster and to keep your interest to a minimum.
This is how a merchant cash advance payment plan works in a fairly general sense. For more in depth information, you'll have to review your contract with your loan department.