- 1). Verify that any previous VA home loans are paid in full. This must be proven with a paid-in-full letter from the prior lender, a discharge of mortgage (recorded and notarized), and a copy of a credit report showing the account reporting a zero balance. The VA will not finance a new loan with an existing home loan on the books.
- 2). Request a current copy of your credit report online at AnnualCreditReport.com. This is the government-mandated site that allows all consumers to access a free copy of their credit report. Print this report and highlight the zero balance on the old VA loan.
- 3). Log onto the Winston-Salem Eligibility Center website to request a new Certificate of Eligibility. Download the form from the list of PDF documents.
- 4). Print the Certificate of Eligibility form and fill it out. The form requests the following information: your name, address, email address, military service record and any previous VA loans.
- 5). Mail the Certificate of Eligibility form to the Winston-Salem Eligibility headquarters. The normal VA response time is 10 business days.
VA Loan Guaranty Service
P.O. Box 20729
Winston-Salem, NC 27120 - 6). Contact the VA department to request a Certificate of Eligibility if your old VA loan is paid in full, but you still retain the property that the loan financed. This is a special circumstance, and you must get approval from the VA department.