- While the average homeowner has the skill to do most of the physical planting and placement of landscape features, choosing the best layout can be overwhelming. A landscaper can create an entire design, plotting out where every tree, flower, bush, rock, walkway and decoration should be placed, taking the burden off the homeowner. The landscaper can also review designs created by a homeowner to identify any potential future problems or cost savings or make suggestions that will help achieve the desired look.
- Although most landscape work does not require special permits or inspections, a professional landscaper is aware of any legal requirements that the average homeowner may not consider. A landscaper can also make sure that sidewalks, patios and decks meet local requirements before they are constructed. Homeowners can also benefit from a landscaper's knowledge of existing or pending restrictions that could affect the design, such as limits on landscape water features in areas where water resources are scarce, or rules regarding trees overhanging the street or neighboring properties.
- Even a knowledgeable gardener can have difficulty choosing plants for a large area, especially if coordinating bloom times, growth patterns or color changes is an important part of the overall design. A professional landscaper can help a homeowner choose plants that will grow to the right size for the space provided, bloom during different times of the year, provide shade or shelter as desired and offer a rich variety of color and texture. Landscapers can also help group together plants that have similar water and soil needs, as well as suggest plants that are low maintenance or easy to grow.
- In addition to helping a homeowner design an eye-pleasing yard and choose appropriate plants for the area, a landscaper can be invaluable in teaching a homeowner how to properly care for the plants and features of the landscape. A landscaper can also offer advice on controlling insects, discouraging deer and squirrels, or controlling burrowing pests such as gophers. This advice and knowledge can help protect the investment made in landscaping the yard as well as keeping the plants healthy and beautiful.
Plant Knowledge