Crooked, uneven teeth have been a source of embarrassment for decades. However, the cure was often worse than the condition itself, as large metal braces made treatment obvious and just plain unattractive.
What's more, braces have always been an expensive dental treatment. Many families could not afford to have their children fitted with metal braces. Once into adulthood, the stigma of wearing braces kept people from seeking treatment for their dental problems.
Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry now offers innovative, discreet treatment options for those suffering from uneven, poorly spaced, overlapping and crooked teeth. One of the shining stars in teeth straightening is Invisalign®, a clear alternative to braces that over half a million people have already used to improve their smile.
How Does Invisalign® Work?
Invisalign is an alternative to braces that uses clear, comfortable aligners to gradually move the teeth into position. The aligners are custom molded to fit your teeth and are replaced throughout treatment to accommodate the new positioning.
Introduced in 1999, Invisalign® has become hugely popular because it is easy to use and discreet. The aligners are perfectly clear and fit the teeth closely. They can be removed during eating, brushing and sports. The clear aligners also negate the need for bulky metal braces, with wires and bands that often irritate the gums, tongue and cheeks.
The success of Invisalign® treatment rests on the patient. Traditional metal braces are always doing their job; they are constantly pulling the teeth into their new position. Invisalign®, however, is removable. Users must take it out only when necessary and remember to put it back in as soon as possible to allow it to go back to work. Those who forget or leave the aligners out for long periods might be disappointed with the results.
How Can I Get Invisalign®?
If teeth straightening is on your list of things to do this year to improve your smile, head to your cosmetic dentist's office for a consultation. They will begin by taking x-rays, photographs and dental impressions, which are shipped to Align Technology, the creators of Invisalign®.
Align Technology employs specialized technicians who scan your images and create a 3-D model of your teeth. These technicians then map out the positioning of your teeth as they should look once the treatment is completed. Align's custom software simulates the movements your teeth must make to get from where they are now to where they should be after treatment.
Your cosmetic dentist reviews the plan set out by the Align technicians and approves the course of treatment. Align then manufactures a clear plastic resin aligner for each stage of your treatment and ships it to your cosmetic dentist.
How Long Does Invisalign® Take?
Treatment time can be as little as six months and usually wraps up in under a year. However, this is influenced by the level of straightening required and the amount of time each day that the patient wears the aligner. Treatment time will increase if the aligner is not worn often enough.
Ask your cosmetic dentist to explain how to properly use your aligners. It is important that you floss and brush your teeth for at least two minutes, three times a day throughout your treatment. Keep your teeth healthy and strong so your smile looks its best once the treatment is finished.
Once your teeth are in the final position, your cosmetic dentist may create a metal or plastic retainer for you to wear at night. This supports the new position and prevents your teeth from moving back into their old, crooked ways.
Wow, Who Wouldn't Use Invisalign®? It's Perfect!
Some patients might find Invisalign® treatment hard on their budget, although this depends on the cosmetic dentist supervising the treatment. The minimum price (in American dollars) is $2000, but treatment can range all the way up to $9000. This is slightly to substantially more than traditional metal braces. If the price quoted by your cosmetic dentist sends you into sticker shock, get quotes from others. However, remember to screen each cosmetic dentist carefully to ensure that you get the best care possible.
Patients heavily involved in sports or contact activities might find it difficult to adhere to the 20-hrs per day of recommended wear. Between eating, brushing and other activities, make sure you have this time to dedicate to your treatment.
Invisalign® works well on the front teeth, but crooked or turned back teeth can be hard to correct using this method and may respond better to traditional metal braces. This treatment works best with minor crowding, usually less than 3mm. Cosmetic dentists with extensive experience in teeth straightening may be able to use Invisalign® alternated with traditional braces to get the best results.
For Best Results
The right cosmetic dentistry expert is the key to your treatment success. Choose one with several years experience, plenty of references and a large portfolio of teeth straightening success stories. Your cosmetic dentist must be able to formulate a treatment plan, but also to knowledgably reevaluate that plan each time you use a new aligner to ensure that it is working properly.
If you get to the final stage of treatment and the results are not what you had expected (your teeth are not in the right position), Align Technologies will provide the additional trays required to get your teeth into the desired position. They do this free of charge as long as you have used the trays correctly and your teeth still do not match the result they had promised.
Take great care of your teeth! Look at teeth whitening and dental contouring as the final steps in your complete smile makeover. Wear your retainer every night to keep your teeth properly aligned in the correct position. Then floss, brush and visit your dentist regularly to preserve your new and improved smile for years to come!
What's more, braces have always been an expensive dental treatment. Many families could not afford to have their children fitted with metal braces. Once into adulthood, the stigma of wearing braces kept people from seeking treatment for their dental problems.
Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry now offers innovative, discreet treatment options for those suffering from uneven, poorly spaced, overlapping and crooked teeth. One of the shining stars in teeth straightening is Invisalign®, a clear alternative to braces that over half a million people have already used to improve their smile.
How Does Invisalign® Work?
Invisalign is an alternative to braces that uses clear, comfortable aligners to gradually move the teeth into position. The aligners are custom molded to fit your teeth and are replaced throughout treatment to accommodate the new positioning.
Introduced in 1999, Invisalign® has become hugely popular because it is easy to use and discreet. The aligners are perfectly clear and fit the teeth closely. They can be removed during eating, brushing and sports. The clear aligners also negate the need for bulky metal braces, with wires and bands that often irritate the gums, tongue and cheeks.
The success of Invisalign® treatment rests on the patient. Traditional metal braces are always doing their job; they are constantly pulling the teeth into their new position. Invisalign®, however, is removable. Users must take it out only when necessary and remember to put it back in as soon as possible to allow it to go back to work. Those who forget or leave the aligners out for long periods might be disappointed with the results.
How Can I Get Invisalign®?
If teeth straightening is on your list of things to do this year to improve your smile, head to your cosmetic dentist's office for a consultation. They will begin by taking x-rays, photographs and dental impressions, which are shipped to Align Technology, the creators of Invisalign®.
Align Technology employs specialized technicians who scan your images and create a 3-D model of your teeth. These technicians then map out the positioning of your teeth as they should look once the treatment is completed. Align's custom software simulates the movements your teeth must make to get from where they are now to where they should be after treatment.
Your cosmetic dentist reviews the plan set out by the Align technicians and approves the course of treatment. Align then manufactures a clear plastic resin aligner for each stage of your treatment and ships it to your cosmetic dentist.
How Long Does Invisalign® Take?
Treatment time can be as little as six months and usually wraps up in under a year. However, this is influenced by the level of straightening required and the amount of time each day that the patient wears the aligner. Treatment time will increase if the aligner is not worn often enough.
Ask your cosmetic dentist to explain how to properly use your aligners. It is important that you floss and brush your teeth for at least two minutes, three times a day throughout your treatment. Keep your teeth healthy and strong so your smile looks its best once the treatment is finished.
Once your teeth are in the final position, your cosmetic dentist may create a metal or plastic retainer for you to wear at night. This supports the new position and prevents your teeth from moving back into their old, crooked ways.
Wow, Who Wouldn't Use Invisalign®? It's Perfect!
Some patients might find Invisalign® treatment hard on their budget, although this depends on the cosmetic dentist supervising the treatment. The minimum price (in American dollars) is $2000, but treatment can range all the way up to $9000. This is slightly to substantially more than traditional metal braces. If the price quoted by your cosmetic dentist sends you into sticker shock, get quotes from others. However, remember to screen each cosmetic dentist carefully to ensure that you get the best care possible.
Patients heavily involved in sports or contact activities might find it difficult to adhere to the 20-hrs per day of recommended wear. Between eating, brushing and other activities, make sure you have this time to dedicate to your treatment.
Invisalign® works well on the front teeth, but crooked or turned back teeth can be hard to correct using this method and may respond better to traditional metal braces. This treatment works best with minor crowding, usually less than 3mm. Cosmetic dentists with extensive experience in teeth straightening may be able to use Invisalign® alternated with traditional braces to get the best results.
For Best Results
The right cosmetic dentistry expert is the key to your treatment success. Choose one with several years experience, plenty of references and a large portfolio of teeth straightening success stories. Your cosmetic dentist must be able to formulate a treatment plan, but also to knowledgably reevaluate that plan each time you use a new aligner to ensure that it is working properly.
If you get to the final stage of treatment and the results are not what you had expected (your teeth are not in the right position), Align Technologies will provide the additional trays required to get your teeth into the desired position. They do this free of charge as long as you have used the trays correctly and your teeth still do not match the result they had promised.
Take great care of your teeth! Look at teeth whitening and dental contouring as the final steps in your complete smile makeover. Wear your retainer every night to keep your teeth properly aligned in the correct position. Then floss, brush and visit your dentist regularly to preserve your new and improved smile for years to come!