It has been rightly said that old age is the replica of childhood in terms of behavior, attitude and activity to certain extent. They want to engage the attention of other family members in some or the other way. After get are retired from the job and services, most of their time is spend at home and they find a kind of vacuum in their life. They need time to adjust into the new phase of their life. As they are the head of the family, they want that other people should follow their instructions and requests. However, when it does not happen they tend to become irritated and frustrated.
Root Causes of the Problem
Of late it is being observed that in some of the families there is a tussle between the two different generations. The teenagers who usually have a fashionable lifestyle and are often busy in their own lives hardly find time to interact with their grandparents. The sense of clothing, manner of communication, hairstyles and others keeps on changing and the youngsters want to follow the latest trends. But the problem begins when the elderly people start interfering in their lives and try to dictate their own terms. According to the psychologists, the elderly persons are required to understand the gap of generation and not poke their nose in each and every matter.
Why elderly need counseling
If there is an argument between the two, the elderly people often form the impression that they are not at all being respected. But the most common plight is when they are left aloof by their own sons or being sent to an old age home. They become extremely lonely and have nobody to share their feelings with. Under such circumstances, their chances of going under depression increases. Old age is also associated with several kinds of health problems and diseases. They need care and proper doctor consultations.
Causes of Depression
With the increase in age their childish behavior and attitude becomes more prominent. They have desire for various objects or eatables and often become annoyed if it is not fulfilled. You need to explain them every with tender and affection. In case they are mentally disturbed it would be much better to consult a Psychiatrist for Old Age [] who can handle this problem more skillfully. When the elderly people is suffering from depression they would generally-
⢠Become tired and loose energy very quickly
⢠Keep on forgetting things or even persons
⢠Become irritated and develop stubbornness
⢠Feeling of guilt, loneliness and helplessness
⢠Sleeping too much often known as insomnia
⢠Over eating or consuming less food than normal diet
⢠Loss of interest in activities or enjoyment
⢠Crying or weeping
⢠Thoughts of committing suicide
Old people consulting psychiatrist
With the passage of time more elderly people have started consulting the psychiatrists to find best solutions for their mental problems. These specialist doctors will inform how you can shrug off the loneliness and bring positivity into your life.
Root Causes of the Problem
Of late it is being observed that in some of the families there is a tussle between the two different generations. The teenagers who usually have a fashionable lifestyle and are often busy in their own lives hardly find time to interact with their grandparents. The sense of clothing, manner of communication, hairstyles and others keeps on changing and the youngsters want to follow the latest trends. But the problem begins when the elderly people start interfering in their lives and try to dictate their own terms. According to the psychologists, the elderly persons are required to understand the gap of generation and not poke their nose in each and every matter.
Why elderly need counseling
If there is an argument between the two, the elderly people often form the impression that they are not at all being respected. But the most common plight is when they are left aloof by their own sons or being sent to an old age home. They become extremely lonely and have nobody to share their feelings with. Under such circumstances, their chances of going under depression increases. Old age is also associated with several kinds of health problems and diseases. They need care and proper doctor consultations.
Causes of Depression
With the increase in age their childish behavior and attitude becomes more prominent. They have desire for various objects or eatables and often become annoyed if it is not fulfilled. You need to explain them every with tender and affection. In case they are mentally disturbed it would be much better to consult a Psychiatrist for Old Age [] who can handle this problem more skillfully. When the elderly people is suffering from depression they would generally-
⢠Become tired and loose energy very quickly
⢠Keep on forgetting things or even persons
⢠Become irritated and develop stubbornness
⢠Feeling of guilt, loneliness and helplessness
⢠Sleeping too much often known as insomnia
⢠Over eating or consuming less food than normal diet
⢠Loss of interest in activities or enjoyment
⢠Crying or weeping
⢠Thoughts of committing suicide
Old people consulting psychiatrist
With the passage of time more elderly people have started consulting the psychiatrists to find best solutions for their mental problems. These specialist doctors will inform how you can shrug off the loneliness and bring positivity into your life.