Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Assignment Incentive Pay to Extend Enlistment for Deployments

Added Note: The Marines have extended the below program into Fiscal Year 2008/2009. For details, see Marine Corps Administrative Message 577/07.

Active Duty Marines who agree to extend their active duty enlistments beyond October 1, 2007, in order to complete a combat tour to Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Bahrain, or the Horn of Africa are entitled to a monetary bonus, under a new Marine Corps Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) program.

The amount of the bonus is $3,000 for a seven month deployment and $6,000 for a twelve month deployment.

Eligibility Requirements
  • a. Must enter into an agreement to extend their Expiration of Active Service (EAS) date on or after October 1, 2006.

    b. The EAS extension must cross into Fiscal Year 2008 (October 1, 2007)

    c. Must have less than 12 months remaining on their active duty enlistment at the time of entering into the extension agreement.

    d. Must agree to remain with their current unit or be reassigned to a deploying unit based on the needs of the Marine Corps. Marines that have previously extended and have completed the deployment are eligible for this incentive provided their EAS exceeds October 1, 2007.

    e. Extension length will vary for each Marine and is based strictly upon the Marine's current EAS and the unit deployment schedule. When determining extension length, the new EAS must account for both the entire deployment and post deployment transition time.

    f. Must sign a written agreement.

    Written Agreement

    I (rank, last name, first initial, MI, last four of the SSN) understand that, incident to the extension of my enlistment, reenlistment on or prior to my EAS date, I will be paid Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP) in the amount of $3,000 (7 month deployment) or $6,000 (12 month deployment) in lump sum for the purpose of completing a (seven or twelve month) deployment. I understand I must remain on active duty serving as part of the active component for a period that extends my EAS beyond 1 Oct 07. Failure to complete the deployment and extension will result in the termination of this agreement and my repayment of any unearned portion of the AIP payment. I further understand that repayment will not be sought if my inability to complete the service requirement specified in this agreement is due to my death, illness, injury, or other physical impairment, which was not the result of my misconduct, or other circumstance determined to be reasonably beyond my control.

    Additional Information

    Career Retention Specialists will prepare AIP contracts. AIP contracts must be signed by the Marine and the Battalion Squadron level commander. "By Direction" is not authorized. Written agreements will begin on the date signed. Extension agreements and AIP agreements do not have to be signed on the same day. Payment of AIP will be made immediately upon signature of the AIP agreement.

    Marines must complete the EAS extension and the deployment. If a Marine does not fulfill the EAS extension or complete the deployment due to misconduct or actions initiated by the Marine, the unearned portion of the AIP will be recouped. Recoupment will be prorated based on the period of time unfulfilled. Recoupment calculations for a 7 month deployment will use $14.29 and $16.67 for a 12 month deployment, times the number of days of deployment that was not completed.

    Marines may enter into a terminal leave status upon completion of the deployment based on commander discretion.

    Marines who entered into an extension agreement prior to May 21, 2007 must have a new EAS that exceeds October 1, 2007 in order to be eligible for this incentive.

    Reenlistments do not affect the payment of this incentive. If a Marine previously extended and subsequently reenlisted they are eligible for this incentive. Additionally, if the Marine extends and later reenlists, he retains this incentive as well as any applicable reenlistment incentives.

    For complete information about this new program, see Marine Corps Administrative Message 323/07.
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