Health & Medical Mental Health

Treatment Planning and Action Steps Against Guilt

A person who seeks help for false guilt probably has issues of unworthiness and low self-worth.
These often are rooted in childhood.
If he was always made to feel that he could not do anything right or was always being blamed for things that were out of his control, then these may have been carried into his adult life.
He needs to be reminded of God unconditional love.
Letting him talk about his past will provide an opportunity to begin the healing process.
The person dealing with true guilt needs to be given action steps that will pave the way for confession, forgiveness, and restitution.
Guilt can trap a person into a life of unfulfillment and heartache.
He will never be free to experience God best until the guilt is released.
*Action Steps* 1.
Pay attention to the feelings: * Guilt, like physical pain, is a signal that something is wrong.
* Go to God in prayer and ask for insight and wisdom.
Determine the source: * Are the guilt feelings because of sin or because of some issues that were out of your control? * Seek God patiently.
Just because you feel guilty does not mean you have sinned; yet, you may need to let God peel back some layers to reveal a sin long forgotten that needs to be resolved.
* If the guilt feelings are out of your control, you still need to find a way to resolve them.
True guilt: * If you are feeling guilty because you have committed a sin, what steps will you take to receive forgiveness from God? * What steps will you take to receive forgiveness from the person and/or to make restitution? * If an apology or restitution cannot happen (for example, the person has passed away), then plan a way to deal with the guilt.
Suggest writing a letter to that person and providing a ceremony of sorts where the guilt can be given to God.
* Realize that telling all can be a way of inflicting more pain on others.
Permanent relief from moral guilt comes from God forgiveness, not necessarily public confession.
The scope of the confession should not exceed the scope of the sin.
False Guilt: * If the guilt is self-worth related, make a list of all the things God has done for you, including paying the price to save you.
(Note: You can help with providing suggestions and Scripture verses to back it up.
) * Continuing to punish yourself for being human is useless.
Do what you can and move on.
Move On: * Once you have confessed, apologized, and/or made restitution, don't beat yourself up anymore.
Leave it with God.
* Turn off the mental tape player.
Satan, not the Holy Spirit, is the accuser (Revelation 12:10).
Satan wants to create feelings of condemnation resulting in unnecessary guilt.
Turn him off! * Keep a guilt pot.
Any time you feel guilt creeping in, write that guilt feeling on a piece of paper and throw it in the pot.
(The pot will remind you that God is the Potter, always at work on you, and you are merely the clayIsaiah 64:8.
) 6.
Keep active: * Do things for other people.
* Practice being forgiving in your relationships.
* By providing encouragement to someone else, you will receive encouragement back and that will increase your feelings of self-worth.
Services of Online Therapist can be helpful here.
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