So you like reading? If you do, then you may already be labeled a bookworm by your friends or your peers.
But friends either share the same interests or not.
So you, as a person who likes books and reading, may want people to be interested to hear about the latest book you have read.
And there are no better people to talk about books other than other bookworms themselves.
This is how joining a book club can become a personal experience.
If you are interested in joining a book club, then you may want to consider some of these do's and don'ts: DO's: Know what type of books that a club usually suggests reading.
If you don't care to know what the club usually reads, your interests may differ from those of other members and you may simply stop wanting to continue joining their book-sharing sessions.
If you know a friend who also has the same interests or reads the same books as you do, you may want to ask him or her to join, too.
It's better to already know someone in the group so you feel more relaxed when in a discussion with other members.
Make sure you have the time to join meetings.
If you don't have time to join meetings, then you are better off not enlisted as a member.
Book clubs have regular meetings and they usually have a venue where they meet, online or off, so make sure you could contribute as an active member.
Always try to be diplomatic in case of a conflict.
Sometimes, book club members tend to become sensitive with certain subjects, and if one or more members may challenge your opinions, stay rational and composed.
Always remember that if you have to disagree with a person, just accept the fact that people do have differing thoughts and ideas and you don't always have to end up agreeing with each other.
Be a good listener.
You will always have your time to discuss your opinion about a certain book.
It isn't always your turn, so make sure you listen to others, too.
DON'TS: Don't always try to challenge another member when you disagree with his opinion.
If you always do, no one will want to discuss anything with you.
No one wants their opinions challenged all the time.
Don't be impatient.
If you need to go while someone is speaking, excuse yourself politely.
Don't be rude but tell them nicely that you need to go.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
This is self-explanatory.
If you do not know the contents of a book, then try to read it.
If a book is suggested to be read, then don't judge it directly just because of the author or the cover or the summary.
Read the book first before you express an opinion about it.
But friends either share the same interests or not.
So you, as a person who likes books and reading, may want people to be interested to hear about the latest book you have read.
And there are no better people to talk about books other than other bookworms themselves.
This is how joining a book club can become a personal experience.
If you are interested in joining a book club, then you may want to consider some of these do's and don'ts: DO's: Know what type of books that a club usually suggests reading.
If you don't care to know what the club usually reads, your interests may differ from those of other members and you may simply stop wanting to continue joining their book-sharing sessions.
If you know a friend who also has the same interests or reads the same books as you do, you may want to ask him or her to join, too.
It's better to already know someone in the group so you feel more relaxed when in a discussion with other members.
Make sure you have the time to join meetings.
If you don't have time to join meetings, then you are better off not enlisted as a member.
Book clubs have regular meetings and they usually have a venue where they meet, online or off, so make sure you could contribute as an active member.
Always try to be diplomatic in case of a conflict.
Sometimes, book club members tend to become sensitive with certain subjects, and if one or more members may challenge your opinions, stay rational and composed.
Always remember that if you have to disagree with a person, just accept the fact that people do have differing thoughts and ideas and you don't always have to end up agreeing with each other.
Be a good listener.
You will always have your time to discuss your opinion about a certain book.
It isn't always your turn, so make sure you listen to others, too.
DON'TS: Don't always try to challenge another member when you disagree with his opinion.
If you always do, no one will want to discuss anything with you.
No one wants their opinions challenged all the time.
Don't be impatient.
If you need to go while someone is speaking, excuse yourself politely.
Don't be rude but tell them nicely that you need to go.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
This is self-explanatory.
If you do not know the contents of a book, then try to read it.
If a book is suggested to be read, then don't judge it directly just because of the author or the cover or the summary.
Read the book first before you express an opinion about it.