It seems that for teenagers today, one of the most depressing aspects of growing up is having to pay for car insurance.
While the whole idea of owning and driving a car is absolutely exhilarating, the reality is most young adults will be gouged with high monthly insurance premiums.
As a result, this article is going to describe the two main reasons why this happens.
From the insurance company's point of view, the worst thing a person can be is a high risk.
Unfortunately, young adults are literally the poster children of risk.
We make this statement for two primary reasons.
First, a teenager has very little driving experience.
It is very difficult for a young adult to evaluate risks while driving when they have so little to compare it to.
As a result, actions caused by other drivers tend to cause inexperienced drivers to take poor actions that can lead to automobile accidents.
Once they become more experienced, they are often able to read the traffic around them better, resulting in a safer driving environment.
Another reason young adults are considered a high risk is their maturity level.
While there are exceptions to the rule, most teenagers (and this includes young males) tend to drive rather recklessly and aggressively due to immaturity.
For an insurance company, this is the pinnacle of high risk.
The whole concept of a 16 year recklessly driving a 2500 pound car is absolutely scary.
While it may not seem fair to teenagers, the fact is insurance companies rightfully charge higher premiums because of the teen's higher risk levels.
If they did not charge higher rates, it would not be profitable for them to insure teenagers.
While the whole idea of owning and driving a car is absolutely exhilarating, the reality is most young adults will be gouged with high monthly insurance premiums.
As a result, this article is going to describe the two main reasons why this happens.
From the insurance company's point of view, the worst thing a person can be is a high risk.
Unfortunately, young adults are literally the poster children of risk.
We make this statement for two primary reasons.
First, a teenager has very little driving experience.
It is very difficult for a young adult to evaluate risks while driving when they have so little to compare it to.
As a result, actions caused by other drivers tend to cause inexperienced drivers to take poor actions that can lead to automobile accidents.
Once they become more experienced, they are often able to read the traffic around them better, resulting in a safer driving environment.
Another reason young adults are considered a high risk is their maturity level.
While there are exceptions to the rule, most teenagers (and this includes young males) tend to drive rather recklessly and aggressively due to immaturity.
For an insurance company, this is the pinnacle of high risk.
The whole concept of a 16 year recklessly driving a 2500 pound car is absolutely scary.
While it may not seem fair to teenagers, the fact is insurance companies rightfully charge higher premiums because of the teen's higher risk levels.
If they did not charge higher rates, it would not be profitable for them to insure teenagers.