Forskolin is an extract from the plant Coleus forskohli, which has been traditionally used in ayurvedic medicines for a variety of ailments and conditions.
The conditions basically, for which It is used are hypertension, asthma, congestive heart failure, psoriasis, eczema and angina.
The effects of the medicated extract have been extensively used in human, animal clinical studies and also the in-vitro technology greatly relies on this extract.
It basically works primarily by activating various enzymes in cyclic AMP in cells.
Cyclic AMP is one of the most crucial cell regulating compounds.
Forskolin is able to activate various other enzymes with the able assistance of neuro-transmitters and other hormones.
Over the years it has been medically proven that it's a platelets aggregation inhibitor, it also relaxes the vascular smooth muscles.
It further reduces the intra-ocular pressure due to glaucoma.
It is also known to have anti-allergy potential since it inhibits the release of histamine and peptide leukotriene from human basophiles and mast cells.
Perhaps the most important benefit of this extract is that, it also considered a potent inhibitor of cancer metastasis, when it was injected in mice with the malignant tissues.
In a study, in psychiatry, researchers gave this drug as an intravenous to four depression patients and five schizophrenic patients.
Astoundingly all four patients showed transient mood elevation or stimulation, as did two of the five schizophrenic patients.
Forskolin ocular drops have been used to reduce the intra-ocular pressure due to glaucoma.
Further it can reduce blood pressure and work as anti-allergic supplement or bronchodilator.
It also works as a vasoactive agent which enables smooth muscle relaxation.
It has a safe effect on the patients with similar vascular impotence.
Traditionally this fruit extract was used to treat Insomnia, convulsions, heart and lung diseases.
But, unfortunately this blissful extract comes with its own set of side effects.
Low blood pressure is the biggest evident side effect, which causes the patient to be dizzy, nauseated, blurred vision, pale skin, reduced concentration, fatigue and loss of consciousness.
Severe low blood pressure prevents the vital organs of the body to get proper oxygen supply causing hypotension.
This can cause severe heart and brain damage if ignored.
Forskolin dose can cause tachycholin which is nothing but the state of elevated heart beat.
Patient might feel lightheadedness, shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, rapid pulse or loss of consciousness.
The dangerous aspects of this are blood clots, heart burns, frequent fainting and sudden death.
There are also instances of increased stomach acid levels due to regular intake of forskolin.
People with pre-existing gastro-intestinal complication might be susceptible to heart burns, indigestion and nausea.
Concomitant usages of this plant extract along with prescribed blood thinners may add up to bleeding complications, further it is routinely warned by the experts not to take this medicated plant extract with anti-hypertensive, which would significantly reduce the blood pressure.
The conditions basically, for which It is used are hypertension, asthma, congestive heart failure, psoriasis, eczema and angina.
The effects of the medicated extract have been extensively used in human, animal clinical studies and also the in-vitro technology greatly relies on this extract.
It basically works primarily by activating various enzymes in cyclic AMP in cells.
Cyclic AMP is one of the most crucial cell regulating compounds.
Forskolin is able to activate various other enzymes with the able assistance of neuro-transmitters and other hormones.
Over the years it has been medically proven that it's a platelets aggregation inhibitor, it also relaxes the vascular smooth muscles.
It further reduces the intra-ocular pressure due to glaucoma.
It is also known to have anti-allergy potential since it inhibits the release of histamine and peptide leukotriene from human basophiles and mast cells.
Perhaps the most important benefit of this extract is that, it also considered a potent inhibitor of cancer metastasis, when it was injected in mice with the malignant tissues.
In a study, in psychiatry, researchers gave this drug as an intravenous to four depression patients and five schizophrenic patients.
Astoundingly all four patients showed transient mood elevation or stimulation, as did two of the five schizophrenic patients.
Forskolin ocular drops have been used to reduce the intra-ocular pressure due to glaucoma.
Further it can reduce blood pressure and work as anti-allergic supplement or bronchodilator.
It also works as a vasoactive agent which enables smooth muscle relaxation.
It has a safe effect on the patients with similar vascular impotence.
Traditionally this fruit extract was used to treat Insomnia, convulsions, heart and lung diseases.
But, unfortunately this blissful extract comes with its own set of side effects.
Low blood pressure is the biggest evident side effect, which causes the patient to be dizzy, nauseated, blurred vision, pale skin, reduced concentration, fatigue and loss of consciousness.
Severe low blood pressure prevents the vital organs of the body to get proper oxygen supply causing hypotension.
This can cause severe heart and brain damage if ignored.
Forskolin dose can cause tachycholin which is nothing but the state of elevated heart beat.
Patient might feel lightheadedness, shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, rapid pulse or loss of consciousness.
The dangerous aspects of this are blood clots, heart burns, frequent fainting and sudden death.
There are also instances of increased stomach acid levels due to regular intake of forskolin.
People with pre-existing gastro-intestinal complication might be susceptible to heart burns, indigestion and nausea.
Concomitant usages of this plant extract along with prescribed blood thinners may add up to bleeding complications, further it is routinely warned by the experts not to take this medicated plant extract with anti-hypertensive, which would significantly reduce the blood pressure.