The debate between cloth diapers or disposable baby diapers has been going on a long time.
"Green at home" is not easy but good for the planet.
All of us must do our part to save the planet.
The convenience between the two methods is the primary driving force that is stopping some individuals from going "green at home.
" The problem with disposable baby diapers is that the plastic ends up in the landfill and is not biodegradable.
Cloth baby diapers are better for the planet but there is a higher up front costs than non-biodegradabe baby diapers.
Long term the cloth diapers can be reused for any additional children you have or they can be given to another family member for use for their newborns.
We had three children and recycled our diapers with each one of our children.
All you do is wash them and they are recycled.
When my children were babies, we were already "green at home" by not using non-biodegradable baby diapers.
It can be a hassle sometimes especially when you go on vacation but we coped with the extra work involved.
We potty trained our children early, that was the key to solving the extra work with cloth baby diapers.
So you can be "green at home" if you are willing to go the extra step.
One of the problems is that day care centers require you bring disposable baby diapers if you are a working parent.
As a working parent you can switch between cloth and disposable depending upon your daily schedule.
When you are at home you can use cloth, then when your baby is at day care, switching to disposables is an easy choice.
When you are traveling on vacation, you can either use the cloth or disposables while on the road.
The negative side of non-biodegradable diapers is the allergy problems associated with the plastic on the non-biodegradable for some children.
I have one client who cannot use disposables because her baby is allergic to the plastic.
He breaks out in a rash wherever the plastic touches his skin.
She uses organic cloth and is very happy that her baby no longer crying because of the rash from the plastic.
Long term studies need to be done on the phenomena to see if it is making our children more susceptible to allergies to plastic.
In conclusion, do the best you can to be "green at home.
" We all need to do our part to help save the planet from non-biodegradable baby diapers in the landfill.
Don't get extreme but think about what you are doing.
Each time you change your baby, make an effort to use one less disposable baby diaper.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit our website and learn about recycling.
"Green at home" is not easy but good for the planet.
All of us must do our part to save the planet.
The convenience between the two methods is the primary driving force that is stopping some individuals from going "green at home.
" The problem with disposable baby diapers is that the plastic ends up in the landfill and is not biodegradable.
Cloth baby diapers are better for the planet but there is a higher up front costs than non-biodegradabe baby diapers.
Long term the cloth diapers can be reused for any additional children you have or they can be given to another family member for use for their newborns.
We had three children and recycled our diapers with each one of our children.
All you do is wash them and they are recycled.
When my children were babies, we were already "green at home" by not using non-biodegradable baby diapers.
It can be a hassle sometimes especially when you go on vacation but we coped with the extra work involved.
We potty trained our children early, that was the key to solving the extra work with cloth baby diapers.
So you can be "green at home" if you are willing to go the extra step.
One of the problems is that day care centers require you bring disposable baby diapers if you are a working parent.
As a working parent you can switch between cloth and disposable depending upon your daily schedule.
When you are at home you can use cloth, then when your baby is at day care, switching to disposables is an easy choice.
When you are traveling on vacation, you can either use the cloth or disposables while on the road.
The negative side of non-biodegradable diapers is the allergy problems associated with the plastic on the non-biodegradable for some children.
I have one client who cannot use disposables because her baby is allergic to the plastic.
He breaks out in a rash wherever the plastic touches his skin.
She uses organic cloth and is very happy that her baby no longer crying because of the rash from the plastic.
Long term studies need to be done on the phenomena to see if it is making our children more susceptible to allergies to plastic.
In conclusion, do the best you can to be "green at home.
" We all need to do our part to help save the planet from non-biodegradable baby diapers in the landfill.
Don't get extreme but think about what you are doing.
Each time you change your baby, make an effort to use one less disposable baby diaper.
If you have any questions, feel free to visit our website and learn about recycling.