We all have ways or relating to others which, in turn, have an impact on how we are perceived--and, how we are received.
The way we speak often predicts how people will respond to us.
For instance, do you use too many words? Do you speak in a loud voice? Do you give others a chance to respond to you? Or, are you the type of person who has too few words to say? Do you speak too softly--too slowly? Our energy style is somewhat determined by the way we speak.
People who have too many words can leave others feeling overwhelmed, or even shut out.
If you walk into a room and have too much energy, too many words, or too much volume you may shut other people down to the point that they do not participate.
As a result, you may feel like you're being ignored, being "yessed"--and, feel lonely or isolated and tired.
People who have too few words create a situation where others have to guess about what to say next, and work to fill the silence.
If you offer too little, others are given too much responsibility to maintain the connection necessary for a healthy relationship.
If you ask others to do too much of the work, they may work so hard that they overwhelm you-leaving you with a feeling of being suffocated or bombarded.
Your contribution is vitally important to all your business relationships.
Try this little experiment: if you're a person who may have too many words, try being much quieter and see what happens.
Your greatest tool might be a healthy dose of genuine curiosity about other people.
If you're a person who has a tendency to be quiet, watch how others respond when you say much more.
Your greatest agent of change might be the confidence to let some of your barriers down and really believe that you are an interesting person.
Appreciate yourself enough to share who you are and what you think.
Making a few adjustments will help create the rewarding business relationships and perceptions that you want.
The way we speak often predicts how people will respond to us.
For instance, do you use too many words? Do you speak in a loud voice? Do you give others a chance to respond to you? Or, are you the type of person who has too few words to say? Do you speak too softly--too slowly? Our energy style is somewhat determined by the way we speak.
People who have too many words can leave others feeling overwhelmed, or even shut out.
If you walk into a room and have too much energy, too many words, or too much volume you may shut other people down to the point that they do not participate.
As a result, you may feel like you're being ignored, being "yessed"--and, feel lonely or isolated and tired.
People who have too few words create a situation where others have to guess about what to say next, and work to fill the silence.
If you offer too little, others are given too much responsibility to maintain the connection necessary for a healthy relationship.
If you ask others to do too much of the work, they may work so hard that they overwhelm you-leaving you with a feeling of being suffocated or bombarded.
Your contribution is vitally important to all your business relationships.
Try this little experiment: if you're a person who may have too many words, try being much quieter and see what happens.
Your greatest tool might be a healthy dose of genuine curiosity about other people.
If you're a person who has a tendency to be quiet, watch how others respond when you say much more.
Your greatest agent of change might be the confidence to let some of your barriers down and really believe that you are an interesting person.
Appreciate yourself enough to share who you are and what you think.
Making a few adjustments will help create the rewarding business relationships and perceptions that you want.