- 1). Calculate the income of both parties involved in the divorce or separation. Determine which of the parties has the higher income. For example, let's look at Bob and Sally's situation. Bob earns $100,000 a year and Sally earns $30,000 a year. So, Bob has the higher income.
- 2). Multiply the higher income by 0.30 (30 percent). Multiply the lower income by 0.50 (50 percent). In our example 30 percent of Bob's income is $30,000 and 50 percent of Sally's income is $15,000.
- 3). Subtract 50 percent of the lower income from 30 percent of the higher income. The earner of the higher income should pay the earner of the lower income this amount each year. Subtracting 50 percent of Sally's income from 30 percent of Bob's income, or $30,000 minus $15,000, equals $15,000 that Bob owes Sally each year.