- 1). Hang your bird feeder at least 10 feet from your home, or any fences, sheds, etc. that your coon could either hide behind or climb up to gain access to the bird feeder.
- 2). Purchase an electronic collar that communicates with sensors in your yard and will emit a high-pitched sound when your coon gets too close. These are available at any pet store and are similar to the technology in electronic fencing for dogs.
- 3). Attach a bell to your coon's collar. The bell will alert feeding birds that your coon is nearby and allow them to escape.
- 4). Grow thorny rosebushes up the post of your bird feeder or surround it in mesh or barb wire. This will certainly deter your coon from getting too close to the bird feeder.
- 5). Spray pet repellent near the bird feeder. The product can be found at any pet store. It has an unpleasant taste or odor. These sprays are often used to keep cats away from furniture, but can also be effective in keeping your coon away from the backyard bird feeder.