Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

East Carolina University Distance Learning


    • Individuals working full-time, taking care of others or unable to commute to campus may find distance education is the only option for pursuing education. Having coursework available online 24/7 proves beneficial to many distance learners. ECU's online classes feature the same assignments and tests, taught by the same faculty as on-campus coursework. Practicality and flexibility make this option attractive.


    • The ECU web page "Options for Adult Learners," suggests that distance education students have certain learning characteristics. First, the student must be technologically savvy and able to navigate the Internet. Distance learners must be judicious with time, investing six to nine hours each week per course. These students avoid procrastinating and are highly organized. They enjoy working alone and can follow written instructions well. Distance learners also participate readily in online discussions and remain flexible with the online experience.


    • Students and instructors in ECU's distance education (DE) courses exchange information in an online forum discussion. At scheduled times, live chat sessions take place allowing students to communicate with each other and with the instructor.

      Assignments are submitted via email or via the class website, typically each week. Often instructors present exams online with a completion deadline by which students must log in and take the test. Some instructors require proctored tests.

      ECU's website reports that most classes use a course management system such as Blackboard, Moodle or Sakai. Tabs and folders in these systems allow instructors to post course information and materials to facilitate student access.


    • Undergraduate degrees are offered in business, education, health care, hospitality management, industrial technology and information technology. Graduate programs are available in a variety of fields, including nursing, communication disorders, education, finance, library science, management information systems, nutrition, special education and website development. For adults changing careers, alternative avenues to teacher licensure can be achieved through DE and currently licensed teachers can work toward licensure in additional areas.


    • Whether students are seeking a degree or licensure, in-state and out-of-state tuition rates apply per semester hour of class. Active duty military personnel serving in North Carolina and their dependent relatives receive in-state tuition and fees. On-campus students who elect to take a DE course in addition to the regular caseload pay the additional fees per semester hour.

    Getting Started

    • The first step in pursuing distance education is to be accepted as a student at ECU. Each admitted student automatically receives an ECU email--the distance learner's lifeline. Via email, students receive a student identification number, coursework, and contact information for departments and instructors.

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