Health & Medical Pain Diseases

Spinal Decompression Treatment Machine Or Inversion Therapy Tables

Spinal decompression treatment consists of several techniques.
All treatment techniques utilize several methods and different equipments are used to decompress the spine, increase space between the vertebrae to allow enough blood and oxygen to get through continuously and to reduce the tension and pressure on the spine and disc.
Spinal decompression is recommended to people suffering from sever back pain, nerve pain and all other spine and disc diseases which can be degenerative in nature or due to postural dysfunction.
Spine decompression techniques include the latest methods of using spinal decompression machine and inversion tables.
The question would be: Which one would be the most effective method of treatment? And which one will you choose? Using a spinal decompression machine like the DRX9000 can be the most accurate method of decompressing spine because the machine itself is computerized and could estimate the amount of traction needed to guarantee the best results.
The treatment is called as spine decompression therapy.
It is popular just like inversion therapy which utilizes an inversion table.
An inversion table is used in inversion therapy which is also a method of treating spine decompression through inversion.
Inversion or hanging upside down using the inversion table provides a certain amount of traction to the spine allowing it decompress.
They are both great options for the treatment of spinal compressions however each one has its own disadvantages as well.
Spinal decompression therapy and the machine used are very expensive.
If you can get a 300 dollar inversion table, you will have to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars for DRX9000 or any other spinal decompression machine made.
Of course, such a great computerized machine will surely cost much.
An inversion table is cheaper but it is not computerized so it cannot determine the amount of pull that your condition need.
With this, there is the risk that you might over do the traction which can be harmful and if you under do it, inversion might be less effective.
Your choice between these two will now depend on your needs and your budget.
Reviews online will also help you determine which one is more effective however statements can be confusing so it will be much better to consult your doctor and ask him which therapy and therapy equipment is best for you.
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