Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Moscow Legal Jobs and Lawyer Jobs in Moscow

Moscow Legal Jobs

In countries that are oversaturated with legal professionals, it may seem like so many lawyers can't find the jobs they want that pay a decent salary. What they may not know is that in other countries, there is a shortage of quality legal expertise, and we're not talking just third-world areas either. Countries like Russia, for example, are looking for legal talent for their larger cities, such as St. Petersburg and Moscow. Lawyers from countries such as the UK, the United States, and Australasian countries will find that there are actually a large number of jobs available in Russia right now. Moscow legal jobs are plentiful, and these aren't low-paying grunt jobs either.

Moscow legal jobs are widely available, and at salaries comparable to what lawyers would make in their home countries. Salaries of 200,000 or more are very common, and some firms are even willing to pay relocation costs for those people willing to take the positions. If you're wondering if you have to speak Russian in order to take legal positions in Moscow, you actually don't! These firms are so aggressive in looking for legal talent that they're offering jobs located in Russia to people who don't speak the language. Of course, over time you'll learn how things work, but initially it is not a requirement.

The main barrier to acquiring top legal talent to these positions is the fact that the jobs are located in Russia. The Russian climate, especially in the northern parts, is not very pleasant in the winter, and people who are used to living in warmer temperatures may not be used to the cold and the snow. That being said, the law firms in these regions are looking for lawyers, and are willing to pay a premium to bring them in. This means that the Moscow legal jobs being offered are well-paying positions with generous bonuses.

Moscow legal jobs are widely available, and many of the positions have been open for quite some time. Recruitment agencies in the UK have been hard at work to attract talented lawyers to live and work in Russia, with great success. Legal recruitment firms that specialise solely in attracting lawyers for companies with offices based in Russia have been doing well, and will continue to look for people who don't mind relocating to a different area in order to work. This opens up another avenue for lawyers in areas that are saturated with attorneys. You don't have to settle if you don't have to. If you're willing to make the move, there are high-salaried positions in Russia waiting for you.

A highly recommended and experienced Moscow Legal Jobs recruitment company is Turner Marke International Legal Recruitment.
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