One of the best kept secrets of home party experts is that :
- Entrepreneur Magazine
As if that were not enough, 95% Of new Home Party Plan Consultants fail largely due to info-overload, confusion and flat out frustration.
A system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. Another way of looking at it,
S - Save
Y - Your
S - Self
T - Time
E - Energy and
M - Money
The Science of Getting Rich
"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.
It is natural law that; like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."- Wallace D. Wattles
Of course any serious home party business owner has a website, be it personal or company replicated and yet 95% of people don't have a clue how to generate real traffic and real prospects to a website. So what good is having a website?
Let me introduce you to the PAT Principle Of Party Plan Success
1. Planning: Notice the following Home Party Plan Business. Party Plan Model of business. I find it curious that the essential word here is planning! It is no surprise that when you fail to plan, you are in essence planning to fail. Have you met an architect who started building without a blue-print? The leaning tower of pisa though a wonder of the world is a great example of what lack of planning will do. Planning is an essential step to succeeding in any worthwhile venture. <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/726653');" href="/links/?u=">Most people get involved in MLM/Network Marketing as a quick fix</a>!
In the planning phase you:
i). Plan your time: Party Plan Pat’s recommendation is 15-20/week. 10-15 of these hours must be used for direct sales party plan opportunity meetings, home party demonstrations, delivery and follow up of home party sales. The other 5-10 is for personal development!
ii) Plan your marketing budget ($500-$1500/month). Statistics indicate that low cost home party marketing efforts take seven times as long to yield results. A business without a marketing budget is very much like what starvation does to the body, It will die!
iii). Identify those most likely to use your product/service this is called your Target Market. Contrary to popular opinion, everyone with a pulse and a breath is not your target market. You begin to research marketing methods you will implement. A 5-Point Prospecting is highly recommended.
Home Party Business Marketing Tip : "The ultimate objective of a business is profit. The primary purpose of a business is to create customers. Profitability without customers is an impossibility." ~ Mark Sanborn
iv) You create your customer/downline retention strategy. Planning with a purpose is the secret to success
2. Action: Simply said, once you create your plan, you need to work your plan. It has been said that an ounce of action is worth a pound of theorizing. I know that many home party consultants are frustrated with the rate of growth of their direct sales home party business. For many consistent home party sales is a dream in a far off place. I have a question for you Why did you get involved in business? Surely not to spend all day on the phone dialing for dollars, then waste precious gas chasing after prospects.
Do you have set office hours? I mean even if the world is coming to an end, do those near and dear to you know not to bother you during your office hours?
Probably not! You are too busy responding to emergencies and failing to take care of that which will change your life so that you no longer have to respond to emergencies!
"Focus on your MVP activities (Most Valuable and Profitable activities). Spend 60-80% of every day on your MVP activities. That still gives you 20-40% of each day to deal with interruptions, emergencies and the unexpected."
3. Training: Knowledge it is said is power. Not true. How many of us know things and yet haven’t seen the rewards of that knowledge. We all know that a business is the best way to create financial freedom. You see it is the application of knowledge that leads/equals power. Imagine that you have been informed of your random selection as a Plastic Surgeon. Consider the number of botched cases and the media frenzy. Would you seriously jump into something without the proper training and practice necessary to execute? Invest in yourself! Keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques to improve sales skills. Financial freedom, is not an event, it is a SKILL!
Work harder on yourself that you do on your job. If you work hardon your job you make a living which is fine. But if you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune which is super fine ~ Jim Rohn
- Entrepreneur Magazine
As if that were not enough, 95% Of new Home Party Plan Consultants fail largely due to info-overload, confusion and flat out frustration.
A system is a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. Another way of looking at it,
S - Save
Y - Your
S - Self
T - Time
E - Energy and
M - Money
The Science of Getting Rich
"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor.
It is natural law that; like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."- Wallace D. Wattles
Of course any serious home party business owner has a website, be it personal or company replicated and yet 95% of people don't have a clue how to generate real traffic and real prospects to a website. So what good is having a website?
Let me introduce you to the PAT Principle Of Party Plan Success
1. Planning: Notice the following Home Party Plan Business. Party Plan Model of business. I find it curious that the essential word here is planning! It is no surprise that when you fail to plan, you are in essence planning to fail. Have you met an architect who started building without a blue-print? The leaning tower of pisa though a wonder of the world is a great example of what lack of planning will do. Planning is an essential step to succeeding in any worthwhile venture. <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:ga('send', 'pageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link/726653');" href="/links/?u=">Most people get involved in MLM/Network Marketing as a quick fix</a>!
In the planning phase you:
i). Plan your time: Party Plan Pat’s recommendation is 15-20/week. 10-15 of these hours must be used for direct sales party plan opportunity meetings, home party demonstrations, delivery and follow up of home party sales. The other 5-10 is for personal development!
ii) Plan your marketing budget ($500-$1500/month). Statistics indicate that low cost home party marketing efforts take seven times as long to yield results. A business without a marketing budget is very much like what starvation does to the body, It will die!
iii). Identify those most likely to use your product/service this is called your Target Market. Contrary to popular opinion, everyone with a pulse and a breath is not your target market. You begin to research marketing methods you will implement. A 5-Point Prospecting is highly recommended.
Home Party Business Marketing Tip : "The ultimate objective of a business is profit. The primary purpose of a business is to create customers. Profitability without customers is an impossibility." ~ Mark Sanborn
iv) You create your customer/downline retention strategy. Planning with a purpose is the secret to success
2. Action: Simply said, once you create your plan, you need to work your plan. It has been said that an ounce of action is worth a pound of theorizing. I know that many home party consultants are frustrated with the rate of growth of their direct sales home party business. For many consistent home party sales is a dream in a far off place. I have a question for you Why did you get involved in business? Surely not to spend all day on the phone dialing for dollars, then waste precious gas chasing after prospects.
Do you have set office hours? I mean even if the world is coming to an end, do those near and dear to you know not to bother you during your office hours?
Probably not! You are too busy responding to emergencies and failing to take care of that which will change your life so that you no longer have to respond to emergencies!
"Focus on your MVP activities (Most Valuable and Profitable activities). Spend 60-80% of every day on your MVP activities. That still gives you 20-40% of each day to deal with interruptions, emergencies and the unexpected."
3. Training: Knowledge it is said is power. Not true. How many of us know things and yet haven’t seen the rewards of that knowledge. We all know that a business is the best way to create financial freedom. You see it is the application of knowledge that leads/equals power. Imagine that you have been informed of your random selection as a Plastic Surgeon. Consider the number of botched cases and the media frenzy. Would you seriously jump into something without the proper training and practice necessary to execute? Invest in yourself! Keep abreast of the latest marketing techniques to improve sales skills. Financial freedom, is not an event, it is a SKILL!
Work harder on yourself that you do on your job. If you work hardon your job you make a living which is fine. But if you work hard on yourself you can make a fortune which is super fine ~ Jim Rohn