Health & Medical Mental Health

Control Panick Attacks With These Self Help Techniques

An attack of panic is a sudden intense feeling of fear or apprehension without the presence of a real danger.  These symptoms usually happen out of the blue and peak within ten minutes before starting to subside.  Some attacks may happen in succession without any signs of when the next one would occur.

Panic attacks may have some biological explanations, however, a lot of people having excessive or extreme fear episodes are usually triggered by external factors or casues. 

There are panic attacks self help methods that you may try if you are experiencing occasional attacks of terror.  When you are equipped with the proper knowledge on what to do, you may be able to avoid the episode from escalating to an out-of-control situation.

The first panic attacks self help technique is learning how to be conscious and knowing how to control your breathing.  When you are anxious and full of tension, you tend to breathe rapidly and shallowly.  This is also called chest breathing and this causes an upset in the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

When there's an upset in these two components, it may show itself in the form of muscle tension, dizziness, nausea, and other physical discomforts.  When you know how to control your breathing, you are able to prevent this situation from happening. 
Controlling your breathing may not come easy at first especially when you are in the middle of an attack, however, if you practice constantly, you will be able to do well.

Another thing you must do is learn progressive muscle relaxation method.  This is a stress management technique.  Chronic muscle tension may feel ordinary but it actually isn't.

When you learn to relax muscle groups, you would realize how significant it is in feeling calmer and getting rid of some tension that may trigger panic attack.

Using a self-modification program is also one of the panic attacks self help methods you can resort to.  This kind of program will help you manage unwanted behavioral responses especially when you are dealing with problems.

Another way to help you recover or prevent experiencing panic attacks is by creating a panic diary.  Through this, you may be able to identify your fear-triggers and your responses and reaction to panic-provoking situations. 

If you study your triggers and reactions closely, you may be able to control the circumstances or situations better. 

For instance, you may be able to divert your attention to something else once you see the trigger coming.  You may also be able to react more effectively once the panic has started because you are already aware of what could relieve you.

These panic attacks self help methods are likely to work especially if you are dealing with attacks caused by the usual pressure at work or the day-to-day routine. 

However, once you notice that your attacks are becoming more and more frequent and it's getting harder and harder for you to control the situation that it disables you from living your life normally, then you may be suffering from a disorder already. 

It will be best to see a specialist so you can know what's best to do.  Panic attacks self help methods are good, but you should know when to call a doctor to aid you cope with the situation more effectively.
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