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Should You Join the Herd on the Way to MLM Stampede?

Max Stiegemeier has been around the Internet money-making scene for quite a while.
Mlm stampede is his newest brainchild in a series of ventures geared towards those wishing to have a home business of their own.
Mlm stampede focuses squarely on the concept of lists.
Max Stiegemeier likens the concept of having lists to walking down the street picking up cash.
This concept is vividly shown by a self made video of Max doing exactly that, picking up 50 thousand dollars on the street.
Of course this is probably not in Main St.
USA because most people wouldn't want to picking up bundles of $10k just lying around the street for fear of many serious repercussions.
So while one doesn't really get the chance to pick up much cash on the street today, picking up sales with a prospect list may be an easier way to get cash.
But how does MLM stampede help in growing your home business? Well it entails a monthly $29.
95 fee though you can try it out for 1 week for a mere $2.
Then Max gives you access to a multitude of list building tools, videos and other training tools to enable you to make your own lists.
Moreover, your list will generate income for you by way of a multilevel marketing arrangement which involves sharing of lists between several sponsors.
In fact, it is shown on the MLM stampede site, that a list with 1,000 people is equivalent to 20,000 a month! Added bonuses are items such as AWeber account integration, a lead capture page containing more than 20 capture pages.
Other bonuses included are downline builders.
The system is set up to create all possible sources of income, residual and otherwise.
MLM ventures have gotten some pretty bad rap in the past and this is why MLM stampede gives not only a trial, but also an opt out anytime clause as well.
Moreover, the scam stigma is addressed squarely right on the introduction page.
Max is right, all businesses stand to benefit from a list of ready buyers and prospects.
But more important than volume though is list quality but the Max Stiegemeier MLM stampede system tries to address both by creating commissions based on volume of lists.
This system though is not for every home business since the type of business does dictate the feasibility of the selected marketing channel.
That said, all businesses do stand to benefit from the exposure to consumers.
HOWEVER, this exposure must be through a means that does not offend the consumer.
Spamming is definitely one way to create negative impressions for your company in no time at all.
So those who want to get into list building are well advised to look into the way your company will be impacted by inclusion in the list.
Opt-in lists are the best though Max may have other ideas.
The $2 1 week trial sounds attractive so if you are into building up your home business, give the Max Stiegemeier MLM stampede a look see.
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