Probably one of my most stressful weeks of flying was the week before my private check ride.
Now I'm sure your instructor has prepared you for what it is going to be like, and is confident you are going to pass.
I am just going to tell you how my oral exam went in this article, and how my check ride went in part 2 of my check ride articles.
If you are like me then your flying is much better than the knowledge portion.
My instructor said I was ready for the check ride long before I actually did it.
The reason I had to wait is because I was not confident enough with the questions the check airman was going to ask me.
I was just wishing they would just let me fly and be done with it but that is only half of it.
Their really is only a couple of things I can tell you about the oral, because there is a guide called the PTS, (practical test standards) you must know all of the subjects inside and out.
For my oral he asked me to make a cross country flight plan, he will ask questions about that, like the route of flight and different scenarios that might happen during the flight.
Make sure you have current sectional and terminal area charts, and know everything there is to know about the charts.
Be able to point out the different air spaces and what the minimums are within those air spaces.
Also be able to explain what the different medical certificates mean and how long they last.
Overall the best thing to do is get a private pilot oral exam guide and study, study.
Ask someone to ask you questions and eventually you will have memorized the whole book and you can go in there with confidence.
Another big thing is be respectful to the examiner because I have heard stories of people being extremely disrespectful to them and the examiner would tell them to draw the electrical system to determine if they would pass or fail.
Of course no one could do it and he failed, lost his 350 bucks and didn't even get to fly.
So just go in there confident and relaxed and you will do just fine, good luck.
Now I'm sure your instructor has prepared you for what it is going to be like, and is confident you are going to pass.
I am just going to tell you how my oral exam went in this article, and how my check ride went in part 2 of my check ride articles.
If you are like me then your flying is much better than the knowledge portion.
My instructor said I was ready for the check ride long before I actually did it.
The reason I had to wait is because I was not confident enough with the questions the check airman was going to ask me.
I was just wishing they would just let me fly and be done with it but that is only half of it.
Their really is only a couple of things I can tell you about the oral, because there is a guide called the PTS, (practical test standards) you must know all of the subjects inside and out.
For my oral he asked me to make a cross country flight plan, he will ask questions about that, like the route of flight and different scenarios that might happen during the flight.
Make sure you have current sectional and terminal area charts, and know everything there is to know about the charts.
Be able to point out the different air spaces and what the minimums are within those air spaces.
Also be able to explain what the different medical certificates mean and how long they last.
Overall the best thing to do is get a private pilot oral exam guide and study, study.
Ask someone to ask you questions and eventually you will have memorized the whole book and you can go in there with confidence.
Another big thing is be respectful to the examiner because I have heard stories of people being extremely disrespectful to them and the examiner would tell them to draw the electrical system to determine if they would pass or fail.
Of course no one could do it and he failed, lost his 350 bucks and didn't even get to fly.
So just go in there confident and relaxed and you will do just fine, good luck.