Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Do You Have a Loved One in Need of Involuntary Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

When a loved one is struggling with addiction, it can be extremely difficult to get them the help they need. Family support, interventions, and therapy may not be enough. The Florida Marchman Act allows family members to petition the court to require to commit their loved one to rehabilitation treatment. This means that the person has become so impaired by their substance abuse they have lost self-control in respect to their abuse of substances. This is a last resort for many families, but it is not done out of anger, only done out of love and concern for their loved one.

Getting Your Loved One Court Ordered Addiction Treatment

Facing the addiction of a loved one is never easy. However, thanks to Florida's Marchman Act, you can petition the court to order your loved one into treatment. If your loved one is addicted to prescription drugs, heroin, cocaine, alcohol, or meth, you have a good chance of your petition being granted and your loved one getting the help they need through an approved rehabilitation center. Asking the court to order someone into rehab seems harsh, but it may be the only thing standing between your loved one and an overdose.

My Petition Has Been Granted, Now What?

After a patient has been court ordered into treatment, they must follow through their treatment guidelines or else return to court to face charges. Hopefully your loved one will choose to remain in treatment, rather than face the penalties for not adhering to court orders. Court ordered addiction treatment is difficult for anyone to face due to the fact that it was not their choice. They may be belligerent in their denial of addiction, but after a petition has been granted under the Marchman Act in Florida, your loved one will have to face their addiction.

What if I Can't Afford Rehab?

If you can't afford private rehabilitation, due to insurance and income reasons, your loved one will be sent to a federally or state funded facility. These facilities have all the same basics of treatment offered at the expensive private rehabs. Your loved one is guaranteed safety while they are at the rehabilitation center. If they are found using, or are found with contraband, they will be asked to leave treatment. It is important not to enable your loved one while they are in treatment, as this can have serious negative effects on their sobriety.

Will My Loved One Know I Filed the Petition?

Since the Marchman Act Petition is a civil and not criminal petition, the respondent will be notified that the petition has been filed, and will receive notice of when they are expected to appear in court. Whether you decide to tell them that you filed the petition is your choice. The respondent has a right to know who filed the petition, and they can be informed if they choose to. Do not let this discourage from getting your loved ones help. This may be the only step between them and an overdose, or even death. Addiction affects body and mind, and often rehabilitation is the only way for them to get better.
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