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Boy Names by Popularity

Boy Names by Popularity

Updated April 09, 2014.

If you are concerned about choosing a popular name for your baby, know this, the Social Security Administration Popular Name List is a little skewed in how it presents its information. The SSA does not consider that one name can be spelled many, many different ways. Each unique spelling gets its own slot on the chart. So when you look at their list, you might not realize that a name is much more common that what it appears.

Never fear, I've got the answers for which you are looking. On the pages that follow, you can browse through the most recent SSA data on popular baby names, looking at how the rankings change when you group similar sounding names together. You might be surprised to see how much changes when you do that.

A little disclaimer, when putting together a list such as this, the compiler (er, that would be me) had to hazard a guess how some names might have been intended to be pronounced. I fully realize that I may have assumed one pronunciation when another was intended. But at the least, it should give you an idea that if you call your son's name on the playground, how many other boys might also bear a similar sounding name.

Interested in popular girls' names, too? I've got you covered. You can also look at common trends in changed spellings of baby names as well.

Boys' Top 100 Baby Names

Updated April 09, 2014.

Before you begin skimming the information on the pages below, here's an explanation on how the information is laid out.
  • The first number is where the combined names rank in popularity.
  • The list of names are from most common spelling to the least common.
  • The percentage indicates the total number of boys born with a similar pronuciation divided by the total number of boys on the SSA Top 1000 list (1,600,633) times 100.

  • The final number indicates where the most popular spelling of the name ranked on the SSA list.

Boy's Top 100 Baby Names

I was actually very surprised at some of the huge jumps on the chart. Take a look at how far the names Jackson and Kaden moved up on the rank. Kaden does not even appear on the top 100 names on the SSA list, but when you group the many variant spellings together, it moves well into the top 10. A parent might look at the SSA list and naturally assume that Kaden would be a fairly unused name, when in fact their child will probably meet several other boys with that same sounding name.

See also: Top 100 Names for Girls
1 Aiden, Ayden, Aidan, Aden, Adan, Aaden, Aydan, Aydin, Aidyn, Aedan 1.79%, 9
2 Jayden,Jaden, Jaiden, Jaydon, Jadon, Jaidyn, Jaeden, Jaydn, Jaydin, Jaydan 1.62%, 4
3 Jacob, Jakob, Jaycob 1.45%, 1
4 Jackson, Jaxon, Jaxson, Jaxen 1.12%, 25 (See other last names as first name options)
5 Ethan 1.12%, 2
6 Michael, Micheal 1.10%, 3
7 Kaden, Caden, Kayden, Cayden, Caiden, Kaiden, Kaeden, Kadyn, Kadin 1.07%, 106
8 Alexander, Alexander 1.06%, 6
9 William 1.05%, 5
10 Noah 1.02%, 7
11 Daniel 0.98%, 8
12 Anthony 0.96%, 10
13 Christopher, Kristopher, Cristopher, Cristofer 0.96%, 13
14 Joshua 0.95%, 11
15 Mason, Mayson, Masen 0.95%, 12
16 Matthew, Mathew 0.92%, 16
17 Andrew 0.88%, 14
18 David 0.88%, 15
19 Logan 0.87%, 17
20 Caleb, Kaleb 0.86%, 33
21 Elijah 0.86%, 18
22 James 0.86%, 19
23 Joseph 0.85%, 20
24 Christian, Cristian, Kristian 0.84%, 29
25 Jonathan, Johnathan, Jonathon, Johnathon 0.84%, 28
26 Brayden, Braden, Braydon, Braeden, Braiden, Bradyn 0.82%, 40
27 Nicholas, Nicolas, Nickolas, Nikolas 0.82%, 38
28 Landon, Landen, Landyn 0.80%, 32
29 Gabriel 0.79%, 21
30 Benjamin 0.77%, 22
31 Dylan, Dillon, Dilan, Dillan 0.75%, 31
32 Ryan 0.74%, 23
33 John, Jon 0.74%, 26
34 Lucas, Lukas 0.74%, 35
35 Samuel 0.74%, 24
36 Connor, Conner, Conor, Konnor, Konner 0.71%, 49
37 Nathan 0.70%, 27
38 Liam 0.68%, 30
39 Tyler 0.65%, 34
40 Cameron, Kameron, Camron, Camren, Kamron, Camryn, Kamryn 0.62%, 60
41 Gavin, Gavyn 0.62%, 37
42 Isaac, Issac 0.62%, 39
43 Isaiah, Izaiah, Isiah, Izayah 0.61%, 45
44 Evan 0.60%, 36
45 Jordan, Jordyn, Jorden, Jordon 0.57%, 46 (Jordan also ranks in the top 100 names for girls. What other gender-swapping names are becoming common?)
46 Brandon, Branden 0.55%, 43
47 Luke 0.55%, 41
48 Angel 0.54%, 42 (Surprised to see Angel on top 100 list for boys? Likely it has to do with its cultural background. Read other Popular Spanish Boys' Names)
49 Carter, Karter 0.54%, 48
50 Jack 0.53%, 44
51 Zachary, Zackary, Zackery, Zachery 0.52%, 61
52 Jeremiah, Jeramiah, Jerimiah 0.51%, 52
53 Owen 0.51%, 47
54 Julian, Julien 0.50%, 53
55 Justin 0.49%, 50
56 Aaron, Aron 0.48%, 55
57 Bryan, Brian 0.48%, 97
58 Jose 0.48%, 51
59 Adrien, Adrian 0.48%, 56
60 Robert 0.47%, 54
61 Tomas, Thomas 0.46%, 62
62 Eric, Erick, Erik 0.46%, 95
63 Wyatt 0.46%, 57
64 Kevin 0.45%, 58
65 Hunter 0.45%, 59
66 Tristan, Tristen, Triston, Tristin, Tristian, Truston 0.45%, 84 (What Hollywood heart-throb's 1994 film Legends of the Fall boosted the popularity of this name?)
67 Jason 0.45%, 69
68 Charles 0.44%, 63
69 Dominic, Dominick, Dominik 0.44%, 74
70 Colton, Kolton, Kolten, Colten 0.43%, 73
71 Austin 0.43%, 64
72 Chase, Chase 0.42%, 66
73 Eli 0.41%, 65
74 Henry 0.40%, 67
75 Sebastian 0.40%, 68
76 Xavier, Xzavier 0.38%, 71
77 Colin, Collin 0.38%, 111
78 Carson, Karson, Carsen 0.38%, 80
79 Levi 0.37%, 70
80 Sean, Shawn, Shaun 0.35%, 103
81 Damian, Damien, Damion 0.35%, 121
82 Nathaniel, Nathanael 0.34%, 82
83 Brody, Brodie 0.34%, 83
84 Ian 0.34%, 72
85 Josiah, Joziah 0.33%, 77
86 Juan 0.33%, 75
87 Cooper 0.33%, 76
88 Steven, Stephen 0.32%, 118
89 Luis 0.32%, 78
90 Adam 0.32%, 81
91 Cole, Kole 0.31%, 89
92 Diego 0.29%, 85
93 Parker 0.29%, 86
94 Greyson, Grayson 0.29%, 122
95 Blake 0.29%, 87
96 Oliver 0.29%, 88
97 Carlos 0.28%, 90
98 Devin, Devon, Deven, Devan, Devyn 0.28%, 140
99 Marcos 0.28%, 130
100 Jesus 0.28%, 92

You might notice that some of the common trends in the top 100 list are names ending in -aden and -ason. Additionally, biblical baby names seem to predominate the top 100 list.

Most Popular Baby Names, Boys Rank 101-200

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Most Popular Baby Names, Girls Rank 101-200

Most Popular Baby Names

101 Alex 0.28%, 93
102 Hayden, Haiden 0.27%, 96
103 Bentley, Bentlee, Bently 0.27%, 101 (How did Teen Moms, Maci Bookout influence this names popularity?)
104 Giovanni, Giovani, Giovanny 0.27%, 114
105 Bryson, Brycen 0.26%, 120
106 Miles, Myles 0.26%, 137
107 Jace, Jayce, Jase 0.26%, 146
108 Max, Maxx 0.25%, 98
109 Riley, Rylee 0.24%, 105 (Riley is also a boy name popular for girls.

110 Alan, Allen, Allan 0.24%, 156
111 Emmanuel, Emanuel 0.23%, 154
112 Alejandro 0.23%, 102
113 Bryce, Brice 0.23%, 112
114 Nolan 0.23%, 104
115 Jesse, Jessie 0.23%, 124
116 Derek, Derrick, Derick 0.22%, 169
117 Kyle 0.22%, 107
118 Micah 0.22%, 108
119 Vincent 0.22%, 109
120 Antonio 0.22%, 110
121 Peyton, Payton 0.22%, 149
122 Miguel 0.21%, 113
123 Timothy 0.21%, 115
124 Jake 0.21%, 116
125 Brady 0.20%, 125
126 Ashton 0.20%, 126 (The name Ashton took off in popularity at the turn of this century? Who may have influenced its popularity?)
127 Richard 0.20%, 127
128 Jaylen, Jalen, Jaylin, Jaylon 0.20%, 203
129 Victor 0.20%, 128
130 Patrick 0.19%, 129
131 Preston 0.19%, 131
132 Gage, Gauge, Gaige 0.19%, 152
133 Malachi, Malakai, Malaki 0.19%, 163
134 Joel 0.19%, 132
135 Santiago 0.19%, 133
136 Maxwell 0.19%, 134
137 Ryder 0.18%, 135
138 Edward 0.18%, 136
139 Hudson 0.18%, 138
140 Mark, Marc 0.18%, 161
141 Asher 0.18%, 139
142 Elias 0.17%, 141
143 Jeremy 0.17%, 142
144 Cody, Kody 0.17%, 158
145 Ivan 0.17%, 143
146 Camden, Kamden, Camdyn 0.17%, 179
147 Jonah 0.17%, 144
148 Easton 0.17%, 145
149 Brendan, Brendon, Brenden 0.17%, 229
150 Oscar 0.16%, 147
151 Leonardo 0.16%, 150
152 Eduardo 0.16%, 153
153 Grant 0.16%, 155
154 Wesley 0.15%, 159
155 Kenneth 0.15%, 160
156 George 0.15%, 164
157 Seth 0.15%, 165
158 Trevor 0.14%, 167
159 Jorge 0.14%, 168
172 Elliot, Elliott, Eliot 0.14%, 301 (What favorite 80s film had a title character named Elliot?)
160 Jude 0.14%, 170
161 Braxton 0.14%, 171
162 Braylon, Braylen 0.14%, 236
163 Mateo, Matteo 0.14%, 221
164 Sawyer 0.14%, 173
165 Omar 0.13%, 175
166 Ezekiel, Ezequiel 0.13%, 213
167 Tanner 0.13%, 176
168 Travis 0.13%, 177
169 Paul 0.13%, 178
170 Maddox 0.13%, 180 (This name first appeared on the charts in 2003. Which adoptive Hollywood mom used this name for her son?)
171 Andres 0.13%, 181
173 Rylan 0.13%, 183
174 Jeffrey, Jeffery 0.13%, 223
175 Zane, Zayne, Zain 0.13%, 240
176 Cason, Kason, Kasen, Kayson, Casen 0.13%, 478
177 Josue 0.12%, 184
178 Roman 0.12%, 185
179 Bradley 0.12%, 186
180 Axel 0.12%, 187
181 Fernando 0.12%, 188
182 Garrett 0.12%, 189
183 Javier 0.12%, 190
184 Peter 0.12%, 192
185 Leo 0.12%, 193
186 Keegan, Keagan 0.12%, 245
187 Abraham 0.12%, 194
188 Reid, Reed 0.12%, 291
189 Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohammad 0.12%, 442
190 Ricardo 0.12%, 195
191 Francisco 0.12%, 196
192 Silas, Sylas 0.12%, 222
193 Lincoln 0.12%, 197
194 Drake 0.12%, 199
195 Shane 0.12%, 200
196 Cesar 0.11%, 201
197 Skyler, Skylar 0.11%, 262
198 Corbin, Korbin 0.11%, 250
199 Quentin, Quinton, Quintin, Quinten 0.11%, 396
200 Tucker 0.11%, 204

Top Names in America, Boys, 201-300

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Top Names in America, Girls 201-300

Top Names in America for Boys

201 Jameson, Jamison 0.11%, 277
202 Cash, Kash 0.11%, 261 (Find out why the name Cash started gaining popularity in 2003.)
203 Kai 0.11%, 205
204 Rhys, Reece, Reese 0.11%, 434
205 Mario 0.11%, 208
206 Edwin 0.11%, 209
207 Rafael, Raphael 0.11%, 257
208 Avery 0.11%, 210
209 Manuel 0.11%, 211
210 Cade, Kade 0.11%, 329
211 Trenton 0.10%, 212
212 Kingston 0.10%, 214
213 Brennan, Brennen 0.10%, 271
214 Calvin 0.10%, 215
215 Edgar 0.10%, 216
216 Kellen, Kellan 0.10%, 359
217 Donovan 0.10%, 218
218 Alexis 0.10%, 219
219 Israel 0.10%, 220
220 Luca, Luka 0.10%, 272
221 Weston 0.10%, 224
222 Raymond 0.10%, 225
223 Hector 0.10%, 226
224 Phillip, Philip 0.10%, 355
225 Dante, Donte 0.10%, 255
226 Colby, Kolby 0.10%, 280
227 Spencer 0.10%, 227
228 Andre 0.10%, 228
229 Zion 0.09%, 230
230 Griffin 0.09%, 231
231 Emmett, Emmitt 0.09%, 273
232 Maximus 0.09%, 233
233 Harrison 0.09%, 234
234 Andy 0.09%, 235
235 Lane, Layne 0.09%, 303
236 Tyson 0.09%, 237
237 Sergio 0.09%, 239
238 Emiliano 0.09%, 241
239 Jared 0.09%, 242
240 Cory, Corey 0.09%, 319
241 Ezra 0.09%, 243
242 Charlie 0.09%, 244
243 Chance 0.09%, 246
244 Drew 0.09%, 247
245 Troy 0.09%, 248
246 Simon 0.08%, 251
247 Clayton 0.08%, 252
248 Xander 0.08%, 254
249 Martin 0.08%, 258
250 Zayden, Zaiden 0.08%, 338
251 Dalton 0.08%, 260
252 Theodore 0.08%, 263
253 Marco 0.08%, 264
254 Johnny 0.08%, 266
255 Ty 0.08%, 267
256 Gregory 0.08%, 268
257 Kyler 0.08%, 269
258 Roberto 0.08%, 270
259 Gunnar, Gunner 0.08%, 368 (Like Gunnar?

Read through a list of other Scandinavian baby names).
260 Declan 0.08%, 275 (What quirky 80s music icon choose an alternative spelling, Declyn, in 1997 and may have influenced this names popularity?)
261 Quinn 0.08%, 276
262 Amir 0.08%, 278
263 Kale, Cale, Cael, Kael 0.08%, 589
264 Bennett 0.07%, 279
265 Pedro 0.07%, 281
266 Malik 0.07%, 283
267 Graham 0.07%, 284
268 Dean 0.07%, 285
269 Jasper 0.07%, 286
270 Everett 0.07%, 287
271 Dawson 0.07%, 289
272 Moses, Moises 0.07%, 425
273 Rowan, Rowen 0.07%, 327
274 Jamie, Jaime 0.07%, 363
275 Angelo 0.07%, 290
276 Abel 0.07%, 292
277 Dakota 0.07%, 293
278 Zander 0.07%, 294
279 Paxton 0.07%, 295
280 Ruben 0.07%, 296
281 Judah 0.07%, 297
282 Finn 0.07%, 300
283 Frank 0.07%, 302
284 Cohen, Koen 0.06%, 360
285 Fabian 0.06%, 304
286 Brock 0.06%, 306
287 Emilio 0.06%, 308
288 Joaquin 0.06%, 309 (Why may have the name Joaquin begun to drop in popularity in recent years?)
289 Ryker 0.06%, 311
290 Beau, Bo 0.06%, 375
291 Anderson 0.06%, 312
292 Grady 0.06%, 313
293 Holden 0.06%, 316
294 Amari 0.06%, 317
295 Dallas 0.06%, 318
296 Danny 0.06%, 320
297 Cruz 0.06%, 321
298 Lorenzo 0.06%, 322
299 Trey 0.06%, 324
300 Leland 0.06%, 325

Boy Baby, Popular Names, 301-400

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Popular Names for Girls, 301-400

Baby Popular Names, 301-400

301 Armando 0.06%, 326
302 Taylor 0.06%, 328
303 Colt 0.06%, 330
304 Felix 0.06%, 331
305 Julius 0.06%, 335
306 Raul 0.06%, 336
307 Nehemiah 0.06%, 340
308 Julio 0.06%, 339
309 Darius 0.06%, 341
310 Ronald 0.06%, 342
311 Louis 0.06%, 343
312 Trent 0.06%, 344
313 Keith 0.05%, 345
314 Enrique 0.05%, 347
315 Jax 0.05%, 348
316 Davion, Davian 0.05%, 474
317 Randy 0.05%, 349
318 Scott 0.05%, 350
319 Desmond 0.05%, 351
320 Terrance, Terrence 0.05%, 568
321 Gerardo 0.05%, 352
322 Jett 0.05%, 353 (What Hollywood couple tragically lost their son, Jett?)
323 Dustin 0.05%, 354
324 Beckett 0.05%, 356
325 Ali 0.05%, 357
326 Romeo 0.05%, 358
327 Pablo 0.05%, 361
328 Justice, Justus 0.05%, 456 (Browse more patriotic baby names.)
329 Ismael 0.05%, 362
330 Alonzo, Alonso 0.05%, 578
331 Larry 0.05%, 365
332 Keaton 0.05%, 367
333 Brayan 0.05%, 370
334 Yusyf, Yosef, Yousef 0.05%, 715
335 Walter 0.05%, 372
336 Jimmy 0.05%, 373
337 Talon, Tallan 0.05%, 464
338 Marshall 0.05%, 374
339 Saul 0.05%, 376
340 Donald 0.05%, 377
341 Esteban 0.05%, 378
342 Jacoby, Jakobe 0.05%, 473
343 Phoenix 0.05%, 381
344 Ronan, Ronin 0.05%, 507
345 Tony 0.05%, 383
346 Mekhi, Makhi 0.05%, 482
347 Jamari 0.05%, 385
348 Jerry 0.05%, 386
349 Mitchell 0.05%, 387
350 Arthur 0.05%, 389
351 Brett 0.05%, 390
352 Dennis 0.05%, 391
353 Rocco 0.05%, 392
354 Tate 0.04%, 394
355 Chris 0.04%, 395
356 Titus 0.04%, 397
357 Casey 0.04%, 398
358 Brooks 0.04%, 399
359 Nico, Niko 0.04%, 591
360 King 0.04%, 402
361 Darren 0.04%, 405
362 Russell 0.04%, 406
363 Gael 0.04%, 407
364 Albert 0.04%, 408
365 Dane 0.04%, 410
366 Gustavo 0.04%, 411
367 Cullen 0.04%, 413
368 Jay 0.04%, 414
369 Rodrigo 0.04%, 415
370 Alberto 0.04%, 416
371 Leon 0.04%, 417
372 Alec 0.04%, 418
373 Damon 0.04%, 419
374 Kane, Cain 0.04%, 559
375 Arturo 0.04%, 420
376 Waylon 0.04%, 421
377 Milo 0.04%, 422
378 Davis 0.04%, 423
379 Walker 0.04%, 424
380 Kian, Keon 0.04%, 577
381 Kobe 0.04%, 426
382 Curtis 0.04%, 427
383 August 0.04%, 429
384 Mauricio 0.04%, 430
385 Marvin 0.04%, 431
386 Emerson 0.04%, 432
387 Maximilian 0.04%, 433
388 Orlando 0.04%, 435
389 River 0.04%, 436 (What decade did this name start being used more frequently?)
390 Bryant 0.04%, 437
391 Yahir 0.04%, 439
392 Uriel 0.04%, 440
393 Hugo 0.04%, 441
394 Ray, Rey 0.04%, 662
395 Enzo 0.04%, 443
396 Lance 0.04%, 445
397 Porter 0.04%, 446
398 Maurice 0.04%, 447
399 Leonel 0.04%, 448
400 Zachariah 0.04%, 449

Popular Baby Boy Names, 401-500

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Popular Names for Girls, 401-500

Popular Baby Boy Names, 401-500

401 Raiden, Rayden 0.04%, 640
402 Ricky 0.04%, 450
403 Darian, Darien 0.04%, 633
404 Layton. Leighton 0.04%, 641
405 Joe 0.04%, 451
406 Johan 0.04%, 452
407 Dexter 0.04%, 454
408 Jonas 0.04%, 455
409 Knox 0.04%, 457 (This name first began appearing on the charts in 2009, a year following this Hollywood super-couple's son's birth.)
410 Lawrence 0.04%, 458
411 Salvador 0.04%, 459
412 Alfredo 0.04%, 460
413 Gideon 0.04%, 461
414 Maximiliano 0.04%, 462
415 Matthias, Mathias 0.04%, 735
416 Javion, Jayvion 0.04%, 681
417 Davin, Davon 0.04%, 687
418 Deshawn, Dashawn 0.04%, 656
419 Byron 0.04%, 465
420 Orion 0.03%, 466
421 Solomon 0.03%, 467
422 Jovani, Jovanni 0.03%, 764
423 Alijah 0.03%, 469
424 Gary 0.03%, 472
425 Jamarion 0.03%, 475
426 Pierce 0.03%, 476
427 Sam 0.03%, 477
428 Noel 0.03%, 479
429 Ramon 0.03%, 480
430 Warren 0.03%, 484
431 Douglas 0.03%, 485
432 Ernesto 0.03%, 486
433 Ibrahim 0.03%, 487
434 Armani 0.03%, 488
435 Cyrus 0.03%, 489
436 Isaias 0.03%, 491
437 Ryland 0.03%, 494
438 Terry 0.03%, 495
439 Frederick 0.03%, 496
440 Chandler 0.03%, 497 (What hot 90's sitcom undoubtedly influenced the popularity of this name?)
441 Darrell, Darryl 0.03%, 744
442 Deandre 0.03%, 499
443 Dorian 0.03%, 500
444 Khalil 0.03%, 501
445 Ari 0.03%, 502
446 Franklin 0.03%, 503
447 Bode, Bodhie 0.03%, 773
448 Maverick 0.03%, 504
449 Amare 0.03%, 505
450 London 0.03%, 508
451 Eddie 0.03%, 509
452 Roger 0.03%, 511
453 Aldo 0.03%, 512
454 Nasir 0.03%, 513
455 Demetrius 0.03%, 514
456 Adriel 0.03%, 515
457 Kelvin 0.03%, 517
458 Morgan 0.03%, 518
459 Tobias 0.03%, 519
460 Ahmad 0.03%, 520
461 Prince 0.03%, 522
462 Trace 0.03%, 523
463 Alvin 0.03%, 524
464 Kendrick 0.03%, 526
465 Malcolm 0.03%, 527
466 Abram 0.03%, 531
467 Bruce 0.03%, 533
468 Noe 0.03%, 534
469 Quincy 0.03%, 535
470 Rohan 0.03%, 536
471 Ahmed 0.03%, 537
472 Barrett 0.03%, 539
473 Remington 0.03%, 540
474 Kamari 0.03%, 541
475 Kieran 0.03%, 543
476 Finnegan 0.03%, 544
477 Boston 0.03%, 545
478 Chad 0.03%, 547
479 Guillermo 0.03%, 548
480 Uriah 0.03%, 549
481 Archer 0.03%, 550
482 Rodney 0.03%, 551
483 Blaze, Blaise 0.03%, 848
484 Ulises 0.03%, 554
485 Bobby 0.03%, 555
486 Roy 0.03%, 558
487 Lucian 0.03%, 563
488 Atticus 0.03%, 564
489 Javon 0.03%, 565
490 Melvin 0.03%, 566
491 Nelson 0.03%, 569
492 Aarav 0.03%, 570
493 Carl 0.03%, 571
494 Harley 0.03%, 575
495 Moshe 0.03%, 581
496 Gianni 0.03%, 582
497 Dayton 0.03%, 584
498 Jermaine 0.03%, 585
499 Asa 0.03%, 586
500 Wilson 0.03%, 587

Baby Names, Most Popular Boys 501-600

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Popular Names for Girls, 501-600
501 Felipe 0.03%, 588
502 Tommy 0.03%, 593
503 Kendall 0.03%, 594
504 Finley 0.03%, 597
505 Cannon 0.03%, 599
506 Wade 0.03%, 601
507 Marlon 0.03%, 603
508 Ariel 0.03%, 604
509 Madden 0.03%, 605
510 Rhett 0.03%, 606
511 Memphis 0.03%, 609
512 Jamal 0.03%, 611
513 Nash 0.03%, 612
514 Reginald 0.02%, 615
515 Joey 0.02%, 614
516 Lawson 0.02%, 617
517 Ace 0.02%, 619
518 Rashad 0.02%, 621
519 Will 0.02%, 622
520 Urijah 0.02%, 623
521 Billy 0.02%, 624
522 Leonard 0.02%, 628
523 Rene 0.02%, 629
524 Kenny 0.02%, 630
525 Willie 0.02%, 632
526 Blaine 0.02%, 638
527 Arjun 0.02%, 639
528 Terrell 0.02%, 644
529 Marquis 0.02%, 642
530 Sincere 0.02%, 643
531 Channing 0.02%, 645
532 Iker 0.02%, 647
533 Messiah 0.02%, 650
534 Omari 0.02%, 651
535 Santino 0.02%, 652
536 Sullivan 0.02%, 653
537 Brent 0.02%, 654
538 Elisha 0.02%, 657
539 Harry 0.02%, 658
540 Luciano 0.02%, 659
541 Jefferson 0.02%, 660
542 Yandel 0.02%, 663
543 Craig 0.02%, 665
544 Zechariah 0.02%, 667
545 Francis 0.02%, 669
546 Toby 0.02%, 670
547 Tripp 0.02%, 671
548 Kylan 0.02%, 672
549 Semaj 0.02%, 673
550 Alessandro 0.02%, 674
551 Lee 0.02%, 676
552 Ronnie 0.02%, 677
553 Gerald 0.02%, 678
554 Dwayne 0.02%, 679
555 Jadiel 0.02%, 680
556 Neil 0.02%, 684
557 Stanley 0.02%, 685
558 Makai 0.02%, 686
559 Teagan 0.02%, 688
560 Harper 0.02%, 690
561 Callen 0.02%, 691
562 Ben 0.02%, 692
563 Clark 0.02%, 694
564 Damarion 0.02%, 696
565 Deacon 0.02%, 698
566 Jairo 0.02%, 699
567 Kareem 0.02%, 700
568 Jamir 0.02%, 702
569 Lamar 0.02%, 704
570 Duncan 0.02%, 705
571 Matias 0.02%, 706
572 Rex 0.02%, 707
573 Jasiah 0.02%, 709
574 Vicente 0.02%, 711
575 Aryan 0.02%, 712
576 Case 0.02%, 713
577 Tyrone 0.02%, 714
578 Lewis 0.02%, 717
579 Rogelio 0.02%, 718
580 Giancarlo 0.02%, 720
581 Osvaldo 0.02%, 721
582 Rolando 0.02%, 722
583 Cedric 0.02%, 726
584 Jensen 0.02%, 727
585 Soren 0.02%, 728
586 Darwin 0.02%, 729
587 Draven 0.02%, 730
588 Maxim 0.02%, 731
589 Ellis 0.02%, 732
590 Nikolai 0.02%, 733
591 Zavier 0.02%, 737
592 Emery 0.02%, 738
593 Brantley 0.02%, 739
594 Rudy 0.02%, 740
595 Trevon 0.02%, 741
596 Alfonso 0.02%, 742
597 Beckham 0.02%, 743
598 Harold 0.02%, 745
599 Jerome 0.02%, 746
600 Daxton 0.02%, 747

Updated April 09, 2014.

See also: Popular Names for Girls, 601-700
601 Royce 0.02%, 748
602 Rory 0.02%, 750
603 Rodolfo 0.02%, 751
604 Tatum 0.02%, 752
605 Bruno 0.02%, 753
606 Sterling 0.02%, 754
607 Van 0.02%, 756
608 Hamza 0.02%, 757
609 Ayaan 0.02%, 758
610 Rayan 0.02%, 759
611 Keenan 0.02%, 761
612 Jagger 0.02%, 762
613 Heath 0.02%, 763
614 Killian 0.02%, 765
615 Dax 0.02%, 766
616 Junior 0.02%, 767
617 Misael 0.02%, 768
618 Roland 0.02%, 769
619 Ramiro 0.02%, 770
620 Vance 0.02%, 771
621 Alvaro 0.02%, 772
622 Conrad 0.02%, 774
623 Eugene 0.02%, 775
624 Augustus 0.02%, 776
625 Carmelo 0.02%, 777
626 Gilberto 0.02%, 780
627 Wayne 0.02%, 783
628 Steve 0.02%, 786
629 Tyrell 0.02%, 787
630 Antoine 0.02%, 789
631 Hassan 0.02%, 790
632 Jean 0.02%, 791
633 Coleman 0.02%, 792
634 Elian 0.02%, 793
635 Frankie 0.02%, 794
636 Valentin 0.02%, 795
637 Adonis 0.02%, 796
638 Jamar 0.02%, 797
639 Jaxton 0.02%, 798
640 Kymani 0.02%, 799
641 Bronson 0.02%, 800
642 Clay 0.02%, 801 (Why might this name have drastically slipped in popularity since 2003?)
643 Freddy 0.02%, 802
644 Hank 0.02%, 805
645 Abdiel 0.02%, 806
646 Efrain 0.02%, 807
647 Leandro 0.02%, 808
648 Aditya 0.02%, 810
649 Ean 0.02%, 811
650 Sage 0.02%, 813
651 Samir 0.02%, 814
652 Todd 0.02%, 815
653 Lyric 0.02%, 816
654 Valentino 0.02%, 820
655 Demarcus 0.02%, 821
656 Ishaan 0.02%, 822
657 Kyson 0.02%, 824
658 Deangelo 0.02%, 825
659 Maximo 0.02%, 827
660 Sidney 0.02%, 828
661 Benson 0.02%, 829
662 Gilbert 0.02%, 831
663 Kyron 0.02%, 832
664 Xavi 0.02%, 833
665 Fisher 0.02%, 836
666 Marcel 0.02%, 837
667 Franco 0.02%, 838
668 Jaron 0.02%, 839
669 Alden 0.02%, 840
670 Agustin 0.02%, 841
671 Westin 0.02%, 844
672 Randall 0.02%, 847
673 Branson 0.02%, 849
674 Brogan 0.02%, 850
675 Callum 0.02%, 851
676 Dominique 0.02%, 852
677 Krish 0.02%, 854
678 Marcelo 0.02%, 856
679 Odin 0.02%, 858
680 Jair 0.02%, 860
681 Jabari 0.02%, 863
682 Isai 0.01%, 865
683 Tyree 0.01%, 866
684 Mike 0.01%, 867
685 Samson 0.01%, 868
686 Stefan 0.01%, 869
687 Fletcher 0.01%, 872
688 Remy 0.01%, 874
689 Houston 0.01%, 876
690 Santos 0.01%, 877
691 Seamus 0.01%, 878
692 Jedidiah 0.01%, 879
693 Major 0.01%, 880
694 Vincenzo 0.01%, 881
695 Winston 0.01%, 883
696 Deon 0.01%, 885
697 Darnell 0.01%, 889
698 Deegan 0.01%, 891
699 Landry 0.01%, 892
700 Humberto 0.01%, 893

Updated April 09, 2014.

701 Salvatore 0.01%, 895
702 Aarush 0.01%, 896
703 Edison 0.01%, 897
704 Abdullah 0.01%, 899
705 Alfred 0.01%, 900
706 Ameer 0.01%, 901
707 Lionel 0.01%, 904
708 Howard 0.01%, 905
709 Eden 0.01%, 907
710 Zaire 0.01%, 909
711 Johann 0.01%, 910
712 Antwan 0.01%, 911
713 Marley 0.01%, 914
714 Theo 0.01%, 915
715 Bridger 0.01%, 916
716 Lennon 0.01%, 918
717 Irvin 0.01%, 919
718 Yael 0.01%, 920
719 Jencarlos 0.01%, 921
720 Arnav 0.01%, 922
721 Ernest 0.01%, 924
722 Ignacio 0.01%, 925
723 Leonidas 0.01%, 927
724 Octavio 0.01%, 928
725 Hezekiah 0.01%, 930
726 Ross 0.01%, 931
727 Hayes 0.01%, 932
728 Lennox 0.01%, 933
729 Nigel 0.01%, 934
730 Vaughn 0.01%, 935
731 Anders 0.01%, 936
732 Dario 0.01%, 938
733 Leroy 0.01%, 939
734 Cortez 0.01%, 940
735 Legend 0.01%, 946
736 Tyrese 0.01%, 947
737 Zaid 0.01%, 948
738 Dangelo 0.01%, 949
739 Pierre 0.01%, 951
740 Chaim 0.01%, 953
741 Damari 0.01%, 954
742 Sonny 0.01%, 955
743 Antony 0.01%, 956
744 Pranav 0.01%, 959
745 Roderick 0.01%, 960
746 Yadiel 0.01%, 961
748 Hugh 0.01%, 963
749 Broderick 0.01%, 964
750 Lathan 0.01%, 965
751 Ronaldo 0.01%, 967
752 Ralph 0.01%, 968
753 Zack 0.01%, 969
754 Keyon 0.01%, 971
755 Kingsley 0.01%, 972
756 Yair 0.01%, 974
757 Demarion 0.01%, 975
758 Gibson 0.01%, 976
759 Reagan 0.01%, 977
760 Daylen 0.01%, 979
761 Clarence 0.01%, 983
762 Thaddeus 0.01%, 987
763 Clinton 0.01%, 989
764 Sheldon 0.01%, 990
765 Slade 0.01%, 991
766 Keshawn 0.01%, 993
767 Menachem 0.01%, 994
768 Bailey 0.01%, 995 (Bailey is also a popular girl's name, though it appears on the charts with multiple spelling variations.

769 Camilo 0.01%, 996
770 Destin 0.01%, 997
771 Jaquan 0.01%, 998
772 Crew 0.01%, 1000

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