You ever have one of those days? You just wake up and instantly, for no discernible reason you feel...contrary. You just feel like everything sucks and nothing gets you excited. I believe my Dad would have revered to this as "Monday".
Well, I am an online marketer so while a Monday is really just any other day to me, I still have my off mornings. Instead of wallowing in misery though, I like to capitalize on those times. I use them to write reviews of albums I think suck (for my music site).
I harness my inner anger and unleash it that way. Today I decided to look at the things that grind my gears when marketing online.
What SUCKS About Online Marketing...
1. Distractions - The internet is full of distractions. At least for a guy like me anyways. It is hard not to answer an IM from a friend. It is tough not to creep Facebook. God forbid someone put up a new pic album from the weekend party. Right there, is ten minutes I lose trying to untag pictures as quick as possible. The internet is home to a million and one distractions - if you don't avoid them it can negatively effect your revenue.
2. Tech Issues - Like many affiliate marketers, I don't have a tech background. This leads to some issues. I have learned a lot along the way, and almost everything I have learned is direct result of a problem I had to deal with. I didn't get into online marketing to become a computer programmer so when I spend a LOT of time dealing with tech issue, it SUCKS. Luckily, you can avoid a lot of that hassle by joining a site like eProfits, or finding cheap ways to outsource your tech issues.
3. No Regular Pay Check - I make my living online, but when I stated one of the worst and scariest feelings was not having a regular pay check. That was literally the ONLY thing I missed from my job. I don' t worry like I use to, but when starting out it can be an overwhelming feeling. The only bright side though it was kind of like learning to swim by being pushed off a dock. I was scared as hell, but I had to choose sink or swim, and I chose swim. That list of things that sucks is not too bad all things considering. Especially considering the list of things I had to worry about at my old job. Things including (but not limited to):
* Getting up early
* Commuting to work
* Hazardous work area
* Stressful environment
* At the whim of a boss
* Having a dress code
* Etc...
Every time I roll out of bed when I want (not when I have to), walk the 15 steps to my computer wearing my boxers still and log on to look at my paypal account, I should probably count myself pretty lucky.
Well, I am an online marketer so while a Monday is really just any other day to me, I still have my off mornings. Instead of wallowing in misery though, I like to capitalize on those times. I use them to write reviews of albums I think suck (for my music site).
I harness my inner anger and unleash it that way. Today I decided to look at the things that grind my gears when marketing online.
What SUCKS About Online Marketing...
1. Distractions - The internet is full of distractions. At least for a guy like me anyways. It is hard not to answer an IM from a friend. It is tough not to creep Facebook. God forbid someone put up a new pic album from the weekend party. Right there, is ten minutes I lose trying to untag pictures as quick as possible. The internet is home to a million and one distractions - if you don't avoid them it can negatively effect your revenue.
2. Tech Issues - Like many affiliate marketers, I don't have a tech background. This leads to some issues. I have learned a lot along the way, and almost everything I have learned is direct result of a problem I had to deal with. I didn't get into online marketing to become a computer programmer so when I spend a LOT of time dealing with tech issue, it SUCKS. Luckily, you can avoid a lot of that hassle by joining a site like eProfits, or finding cheap ways to outsource your tech issues.
3. No Regular Pay Check - I make my living online, but when I stated one of the worst and scariest feelings was not having a regular pay check. That was literally the ONLY thing I missed from my job. I don' t worry like I use to, but when starting out it can be an overwhelming feeling. The only bright side though it was kind of like learning to swim by being pushed off a dock. I was scared as hell, but I had to choose sink or swim, and I chose swim. That list of things that sucks is not too bad all things considering. Especially considering the list of things I had to worry about at my old job. Things including (but not limited to):
* Getting up early
* Commuting to work
* Hazardous work area
* Stressful environment
* At the whim of a boss
* Having a dress code
* Etc...
Every time I roll out of bed when I want (not when I have to), walk the 15 steps to my computer wearing my boxers still and log on to look at my paypal account, I should probably count myself pretty lucky.