Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Ringworm Break Down: the Causes of your Fungal Skin Infection and the Remedies

Ringworm is a scalp and skin virus that is also known as "Tinea". It‘s a fungal infection that can be present on any part of your body. Contrary to its name, ringworm has no relationship with a worm. It is mainly a reddish to brownish bumpy part of skin that can be lighter in color at the center, which gives it an appearance of a ring. Ringworm can be transmitted from human to human, with contact with animals, shared changing rooms such as swimming pools. Schools and nurseries are perfect places for children to catch ringworm. There are many forms of ringworm that will affect a number of parts of the body. Some could be unpleasant, very irritating and persistent. This information will center on the various forms of ringworm that affect your body, and the fungal skin infection remedies available.

Although our world is full of infection causing yeasts and bacteria, only a few cause skin infections. These bacteria start to cause infections either by direct contact with an infected person or animal, or by contact with any item that has been touched by an infected person or animal. Another reason people can get bacterial infections is by the over use of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill your body's beneficial bacteria that inhabits your skin. This beneficial bacteria is the body's natural defence against fungi and other micro-organisms.

The symptoms of Ringworm include: Red, itchy, raised, scaly patches that may blister and weep. The infected areas regularly have sharply-defined edges. These patches will often be redder on the outer part with normal skin tone in the middle. This probably will create the look of a ring. Your skin probably will also appear strangely dark or light. When the scalp or beard is infected, you will see bald patches.

Your doctor will usually determinate you have ringworm by the ring-shaped skin eruption. To properly diagnose that you're suffering from ringworm fungus, your doctor will probably look at a skin scraping under a microscope.

Anti-fungal creams are availableZcan be purchased for this infection, and are often mixed with a mild antiseptic and a mild steroid to reduce your itching. Keeping the skin infection clean and well aired plays an crucial role in healing this infection. If a anti fungal treatment doesn't work, or the infection is widespread, you should see your doctor. He may prescribe you some medication such as fluconazole.

Luckily, ringworm is fairly easy to diagnose and treat. Health practitioners can usually determine your ringworm based on its characteristics, but on occasions they will scrape off a tiny sample of the infected area to test it for bacteria.

The doctor will recommend an anti-fungal lotion for the ringworm skin infection or an oral anti fungal drugs for your scalp and nail ringworm infection.

There are successful natural ringworm treatments that will treat both your scalp and skin ringworm infection. There are many things you should take look at when taking oral anti fungal treatments for your ringworm. A major one is starting a family within 6 months of the treatment if you're a man.

Natural fungal infection treatments can be used by the whole family at the same time. This works out a lot cheaper saving you the need to purchase a different remedy for every member of your family. Using the same anti fungal cure for your scalp and skin infection also saves you money.
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