Do you know the typical signs of autism? Most parents want to know what these symptoms might be especially if they are worried about their own child having them. Because of the number of symptoms that mimic other conditions it is not always easy to diagnose autism. We will discuss a few of the more common autism symptoms here.
When a child is unable to speak or express himself in a conventional way, this is the most obvious sign of autism. The ability to speak gets delayed in autistic children because they have a hard time learning language. Their speech displays unusual characteristics when they do learn to speak. They may repeat other people, or the same words over and over instead of engaging in conversation. Children with autism also tend to have flat or high pitched voices. Autistic people find using language to communicate difficult.
As can become apparent at an early age, those with autism don't socialize normally. Your child may be exhibiting symptoms of autism if they prefer to play alone, don't make eye contact, and generally display an aloof manner. They will tend to communicate through gestures and will have difficulty telling others what they need or want. Things will be very difficult for children as they are most often teased or bullied in school or other environments with other children. Autistic children are usually placed in special education classes or institutions that specialize in autism for this reason combined with their difficulty learning in the same way as other children.
Rituals, repetitive movement, and possibly extreme forms of attachment behavior to things are quite common symptoms, as well. That is why you can see autistic children doing nothing but looking, or staring, at any particular object - pick anything, and they do that for a long time. Or they may develop their own personal rituals, such as walking around in a circle or moving their hands around in a certain way. The very real problem with these behaviors is there can be times when a child, or adult, can inflict injury on him or herself. For those reasons, the child needs something to help preven injury to self, and some of those approaches involve medicine and even physical restraint. But that is really applicable to those with the most severe autism and symptoms.
Those with autism will display a wide range of behaviors and symptoms. The extremes go from not being able to hold a conversation to being able to hold a job, or start a family. As research continues on the causes and symptoms of autism, the better we will be able to understand this condition. There are many symptoms of autism but the ones just discussed are the most common ones.
When a child is unable to speak or express himself in a conventional way, this is the most obvious sign of autism. The ability to speak gets delayed in autistic children because they have a hard time learning language. Their speech displays unusual characteristics when they do learn to speak. They may repeat other people, or the same words over and over instead of engaging in conversation. Children with autism also tend to have flat or high pitched voices. Autistic people find using language to communicate difficult.
As can become apparent at an early age, those with autism don't socialize normally. Your child may be exhibiting symptoms of autism if they prefer to play alone, don't make eye contact, and generally display an aloof manner. They will tend to communicate through gestures and will have difficulty telling others what they need or want. Things will be very difficult for children as they are most often teased or bullied in school or other environments with other children. Autistic children are usually placed in special education classes or institutions that specialize in autism for this reason combined with their difficulty learning in the same way as other children.
Rituals, repetitive movement, and possibly extreme forms of attachment behavior to things are quite common symptoms, as well. That is why you can see autistic children doing nothing but looking, or staring, at any particular object - pick anything, and they do that for a long time. Or they may develop their own personal rituals, such as walking around in a circle or moving their hands around in a certain way. The very real problem with these behaviors is there can be times when a child, or adult, can inflict injury on him or herself. For those reasons, the child needs something to help preven injury to self, and some of those approaches involve medicine and even physical restraint. But that is really applicable to those with the most severe autism and symptoms.
Those with autism will display a wide range of behaviors and symptoms. The extremes go from not being able to hold a conversation to being able to hold a job, or start a family. As research continues on the causes and symptoms of autism, the better we will be able to understand this condition. There are many symptoms of autism but the ones just discussed are the most common ones.