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Your Internet Marketing Foundation

I remember when I was young my Sunday school teacher told me to memorize a bible verse about two house builders, "wise man built on rock and foolish built on sand".
This verse told how important your foundation is.
Laying good foundation is very important to your entire life as well as for your Internet Marketing.
Many people build their Internet Marketing foundation on Money.
If you ask me, 'is not money important?' Of course, money is very important and necessary.
I want, need and love it.
But money is not the foundation of my life.
It is good supporter but not controller.
Many people do their Internet marketing base on image bunch of dollar notes all the time.
They start with enthusiastically and strong commitment but one month later no money, two month later money, month by month no money, so they quit.
Their foundation is on the sand so when the storms come they cannot resist.
If you look only on money you will be fail to walk the right path.
Some they look only money so they become hacker: get money in whatever they can.
It is really a challenge for new Internet Marketers.
I don't want you to be influenced by Money alone.
You may want to ask me, so, 'What you want me to do?' Firstly, I have good idea but it may be bad idea for you.
These days I really spent a lot of times on internet.
My wife said 'you don't get money; you just waste your time.
' Yes, if we think only money it is.
For me, it is learning, improving self abilities, knowledge and qualities.
People pay a lot of money to go to University to learn the things that they don't know; they go and learn for creating their better future.
The concept of Internet Marketing is no less than formal education, may be broader.
You choose your curriculum, your guide books and professors.
You are a real student of Self University.
This concept of Internet Marketing gives me more meaning of my Internet Marketing career.
To gain this high quality staffs I keep trying every day.
Later I will be rewarded what I have done.
Secondly, I really enjoy spend time on Internet.
I enjoy writing my thinking, articles and communicate with people.
I am a clumsy and forgetful man.
I lost my notebook and dairy almost every month.
Writing on blog what I think is really goodto me.
Unless I forget my url it will last.
So my blog is my diary.
OK! Pals, I really want you to enjoy on what you are doing, even though you get money or not, I am sure one day you will get.
The mean will justify the end, just lay your foundation firm.
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