Qualify your website visitors There are several methods for identifying your website visitors:
They are going through a vendor evaluation and comparison process.
2) The visitor with potential: They almost know what they want having identified a need, but they are still in the process of narrowing down their evaluation criteria.
3) The not immediate ready to purchase visitor: They have no immediate plans to buy now, but over time could be persuaded or change their mind.
4) The accidental visitor: These visitors accidentally got on to your website and are not interested at all Additionally there are also the "known" companies: Customers, ex-customers, target leads They can have the behavior of one of the above, still the potential of purchase is higher as they have been identified of have bought previously.
Visitor scoring: As chasing all these visiting companies, is not effective.
There for scoring your website visitors is required, which can be obtained by investigating in: a) The visiting data from the website: Visit origin:
C) To be ignored: To forget about, to be ignored on future visits.
Efficient lead generation Addressing the potential lead companies, the success rate will be high as they have shown interest: thus lower lead acquisition costs.
- *Using tagged emails*Using IP lookup
They are going through a vendor evaluation and comparison process.
2) The visitor with potential: They almost know what they want having identified a need, but they are still in the process of narrowing down their evaluation criteria.
3) The not immediate ready to purchase visitor: They have no immediate plans to buy now, but over time could be persuaded or change their mind.
4) The accidental visitor: These visitors accidentally got on to your website and are not interested at all Additionally there are also the "known" companies: Customers, ex-customers, target leads They can have the behavior of one of the above, still the potential of purchase is higher as they have been identified of have bought previously.
Visitor scoring: As chasing all these visiting companies, is not effective.
There for scoring your website visitors is required, which can be obtained by investigating in: a) The visiting data from the website: Visit origin:
- *From search engines with the search terms used*From another website: origin*Link type: organic, paid, linked, from an email campaign
- *What pages visited*How much time spent by page*The longest visited pages*The sequence of pages visited*The number of returning visitors
- *Geographic location*Browser language
- *The business*The office locations*The financial strength*The data on the company: number of employees, number of offices, etc.
C) To be ignored: To forget about, to be ignored on future visits.
Efficient lead generation Addressing the potential lead companies, the success rate will be high as they have shown interest: thus lower lead acquisition costs.
- *Cold Calling on a 'warm' company.
*Email with the appropriate message at the right time.
*Find our more about website visitor identification and visitor qualification by LEADSExplorer.