A lot of cyber schools are different in the way that they handle teaching.
My cyber school doesn't have set classes and all the teachers do is check your progress and grade some tests or reports.
My friends, the O'wells, have set class times and online teachers that they interact with a lot more.
I have talked to my teachers through messages even though it's not mandatory.
It's usually important to at least get a feel of who is grading your work, and to see what they will want.
Also it allows something like asking about a grade or to reset an assignment easier and less awkward and stressful.
Not to mention it a good motivation to do work correctly when you know that the grader isn't just a robot that you can pull something over its head easily.
When people hear that the teachers aren't very prominent the conversation usually takes a turn of, "Oh.
Isn't that hard? I don't think I could do that.
" Up to this point, it's really not that hard, but it's also not a piece of cake.
The lessons that the school gives you are very nice and straight forward usually.
Sometimes they will have a bit of flowery language you have to get used to, but if you read the page all the way through it's really not too hard to understand.
Of course I've had some lessons where I read the page, didn't understand it, read it again and gotten even more lost than before.
When that happens I have two options.
E-mail the teacher of the course and wait for a response up to about 24 hours.
Or my personal favorite...
Google it.
With online classes you have the extra advantage an ability to find other teachers online.
There are a lot of things that can help get you through your dreaded math class or teach you about the Renaissance.
One thing you do have to be careful about is cheating because you will also be surprised to find how many shortcut websites that will do things for you.
Overall it is definitely something to get used to for the first couple weeks, but you soon understand how to work without teachers standing next to you or teaching you a set lesson plan each day.
So don't be too discouraged by the lack of teacher supervision, and think through the decision to do cyber school before jumping right into it.
My cyber school doesn't have set classes and all the teachers do is check your progress and grade some tests or reports.
My friends, the O'wells, have set class times and online teachers that they interact with a lot more.
I have talked to my teachers through messages even though it's not mandatory.
It's usually important to at least get a feel of who is grading your work, and to see what they will want.
Also it allows something like asking about a grade or to reset an assignment easier and less awkward and stressful.
Not to mention it a good motivation to do work correctly when you know that the grader isn't just a robot that you can pull something over its head easily.
When people hear that the teachers aren't very prominent the conversation usually takes a turn of, "Oh.
Isn't that hard? I don't think I could do that.
" Up to this point, it's really not that hard, but it's also not a piece of cake.
The lessons that the school gives you are very nice and straight forward usually.
Sometimes they will have a bit of flowery language you have to get used to, but if you read the page all the way through it's really not too hard to understand.
Of course I've had some lessons where I read the page, didn't understand it, read it again and gotten even more lost than before.
When that happens I have two options.
E-mail the teacher of the course and wait for a response up to about 24 hours.
Or my personal favorite...
Google it.
With online classes you have the extra advantage an ability to find other teachers online.
There are a lot of things that can help get you through your dreaded math class or teach you about the Renaissance.
One thing you do have to be careful about is cheating because you will also be surprised to find how many shortcut websites that will do things for you.
Overall it is definitely something to get used to for the first couple weeks, but you soon understand how to work without teachers standing next to you or teaching you a set lesson plan each day.
So don't be too discouraged by the lack of teacher supervision, and think through the decision to do cyber school before jumping right into it.