Business & Finance Careers & Employment

What You Should Know About Complaining at Work

No matter what organization you are part of, you will notice that there is always something that can be improved.
Often the thing you notice that can be better, directly impacts you.
Perhaps it is something that you might have control over or you may not, which is most often the case.
Think of some process that is in place at your place of work.
You may not have much authority to change the process.
The reason is because the process has been established by the organization and it involves many people.
Unless you are the head of the department, you do not have much control.
At this point you have two basic options: Put up with the process or complain.
The most common route that people take is to complain.
Now there is a danger in complaining, even if complaining about something is warranted.
It is fine to bring up things that are wrong with the process, to the attention of someone who is in charge.
In many organizations you have the chain of command.
Today it is typical that organizations have an open door policy, which gives you easier access to mid-level and even executive management.
However when speaking to someone higher than you, choose your words carefully and think about the content of what you are going to present.
If you are going to bring a complaint about a process, think about a solution as well and present it.
Even if it might not be the right solution, at least it shows that you are not merely there to complain.
Now the danger of complaining is that you do not get too many opportunities to do so.
What do I mean by that? Consider the following:
  • Complain about something [legitimately] once, and you will be considered a person who is sharp and has the interest of the organization at heart.
  • Complain a second time about something else, and then you will be considered a person who has the potential of being a problem.
  • Complain a third time about something totally different and you are marked.
    This is where you will be known in the eyes of your supervisor or manager and others in the organization as a complainer.
Remember you are complaining about some process or method that is impacting you.
When you complain as much as you do, it shows an unwillingness to sacrifice for the organization.
Whenever a person is perceived as being unwilling to sacrifice for an organization, it is translated as disloyalty in the hearts of those who run or manage the organization.
Your future is not bright...
at that organization.
A complainer will find it difficult to form a team who is willing to help them.
Because of their many complaining, they will soon loose their voice though they speak louder than anyone else.
In other words, the many words of a complainer soon become worthless words.
Even if there is something totally legitimate to complain about.
That is because people will consider the source, and thus the severity of the problem will be diminished in the eyes of others.
It is like a child calling 911 for play.
There may come a day when the 911 call from that house is not taken seriously.
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