Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

1 Powerful Niche Marketing Strategy

It would be an understatement saying I'm excited about affiliate marketing.
Once I stumbled upon the niche marketing strategy I'll discuss in this article, I was on the road to earning a decent monthly income as an affiliate marketer.
Which niche marketing strategy got me on my way to earning a decent monthly income? Affiliate review websites Before I go on to discuss this particular affiliate marketing strategy, I'll say there is certainly more than one way to earn money as an affiliate marketer.
My niche marketing strategy is simply one that works for me.
My approach to affiliate review websites There are many ways to structure an affiliate review website.
Over the last 1.
5 years I've honed my approach to this affiliate marketing strategy to more or less a system that works for me.
Step 1: Choose an affiliate review website model It's imperative you plan your affiliate review website before building it.
There are several types of affiliate review website models or strategies.
Step 2: Choose a product or product line You might actually put step 2 before step 1 if you have a product or product line in mind for your review website.
It's important you choose the right product or product line for you.
If you go with a multiple product review site strategy, don't forget to consider related products to promote.
For example, if the focus of your niche marketing strategy is promoting physical products, then you may well find digital products related to your niche.
Usually there are "how to" digital products and/or membership sites you can promote to people buying the physical products you promote.
Step 3: Choose a domain name There are 2 approaches to choosing a domain name for an affiliate review website:
  • by keyword
  • for branding
  • hybrid
I've used both domain strategies and both work.
For a pure review website, I'd go with a domain with a keyword in it.
For example, if you review washing machines, go with something like "WashingMachineReviews.
I doubt that particular domain is available, but you get the idea.
Hybrid: You can go for both branding and a keyword by adding in a branding title resulting in a domain such as "DebbiesWashingMachineReviews.
" Step 4: Choose a website platform I like WordPress.
Maybe you prefer Joomla, Drupal, or an online website builder.
Alternatively, you might want to use a theme designed specifically for review websites.
Although not impossible to change platforms and/or themes after a site is built, it's a fair amount of work.
Therefore, choose carefully to avoid having to revamp your website once it's built.
Step 5: Plan, write, and publish your initial articles when I got started with my first pure review website, I added a batch of reviews right away.
It worked, but with new projects, I take a more patient approach.
I add purely informative articles first and then add my reviews in about a month.
The purely informative articles have no affiliate links.
Once I add reviews I link to the reviews (and other money pages) from the informative articles.
Step 6: Add money pages - reviews and other money pages Reviews are great for pre-selling, but they aren't the only way to pre-sell as an affiliate.
Once you have a solid collection of reviews published, it's time to add more pre-selling pages that target keywords so that you can generate more sales.
For example, a great money page is building charts comparing a sub-group of products in your product-line.
Consumers want to quickly compare the features of a particular group of products (i.
An example would be washing machines under $500.
Step 7: Promote your review website If you're starting out, you'll probably focus on free traffic from the search engines.
This is what I did and still the bulk of my traffic is free traffic.
I use a 2-pronged SEO approach that is simple, efficient, and highly effective.
When you request my Review Website Guide, you'll receive an email shortly after that discloses the exact SEO strategy I use to generate traffic from the search engines.
You can certainly use PPC and other traffic generation methods...
but just be sure you track your results so you can ensure you're earning a profit.
Also, and this is important, if you use PPC, be sure you don't violate the terms and conditions of the PPC network you use.
For example, Google AdWords won't permit you to promote what they deem a "bridge page.
" Therefore, if you're promoting a page in AdWords that has affiliate links, be sure that there is unique content relevant to the keywords you target.
Step 8: Continue adding non-affiliate link content You want to avoid your review website from appearing as thin affiliate website.
The way to do this is to add content that does not contain affiliate links.
This is simple to do.
In any niche or product-line there is a great deal you can write about.
Besides, the more detailed information you provide about your product(s), the more credible you'll be to your website visitors.
If you establish credibility, you'll improve the chances they click your affiliate links and buy based on the information in your review site.
The review website is a fantastic niche marketing strategy that I've used to generate a decent income.
It's scalable and relatively easy for anyone to use to get started with affiliate marketing.
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