Have we discovered a cancer prevention vitamin? Are cancer prevention vitamins really possible? Is the cancer prevention vitamin here? New studies show we just might have! Some forms of cancer may be preventable with the use of a cancer prevention vitamin.
Hardly any family in the United States has NOT had a family member die because of cancer.
This could change with the addition of this cancer prevention vitamin to our daily diets.
There are two studies that have been conducted using very sophisticated analysis which revealed that we are close to having a cancer prevention vitamin.
Almost half of the cases of breast cancer and almost two thirds of colorectal cancer, in the United States, have been helped with what appears to be the cancer prevention vitamin, Vitamin D, (25-hydroxyvitamin D).
T he data from the breast cancer study showed individuals with the highest blood levels of 25(OH)D HAD the lowest risk factors for cancer.
Wouldn't it be great if we could prevent most breast cancers? The researchers for this cancer prevention vitamin divided the data from two studies into five equal groups from the lowest blood levels of 25(H)D to the highest level of 25(OH)D.
The data showing whether or not the individuals developed cancer was also included with these studies.
This is strong evidence that we are closer to developing a cancer prevention vitamin for breast cancer.
The cancer prevention vitamin data from the colorectal study was an analysis of five studies relating to 25(OH)D with risk of colon cancer.
All these studies involved subjects with a risk of colon cancer and explored the association of blood levels of 25(OH)D.
The levels were then checked 25 years later for the development of colorectal cancer.
According to one of the doctors involved in the study of the cancer prevention vitamin stated, "We project a two-thirds reduction in incidence with serum levels ...
which corresponds to a daily intake of 2,000 IU of vitamin D3.
This would be best achieved with a combination of diet, supplements and 10 to 15 minutes per day in the sun.
" We have several sources of vitamin D3 (possibly THE cancer prevention vitamin) in our daily routine.
We get vitamin D3 through exposure of the skin to sunlight, or ultraviolet B, our diet, and with nutritional supplements.
(It is important to note here that the researchers underscored the importance of limiting sun exposure such that the skin does not change color (tan) or burn.
) If you are sensitivity to sunlight, or you or a personal or family has a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer, any amount of extra sun exposure would be inadvisable.
Therefore a cancer prevention vitamin may be taken in higher dose for those how have this sensitivity.
That cancer prevention vitamin is easily available in some vitamin supplements.
Analysis of the colorectal cancer study had shown that in 2006 that a low dose of vitamin D (cancer prevention vitamin) didn't protect against colorectal cancer within seven years of follow-up.
However, the researchers wrote, the analysis did show that a higher dose (of cancer prevention vitamin) may reduce its incidence.
I am not a doctor so please consult your healthcare provider.
Hardly any family in the United States has NOT had a family member die because of cancer.
This could change with the addition of this cancer prevention vitamin to our daily diets.
There are two studies that have been conducted using very sophisticated analysis which revealed that we are close to having a cancer prevention vitamin.
Almost half of the cases of breast cancer and almost two thirds of colorectal cancer, in the United States, have been helped with what appears to be the cancer prevention vitamin, Vitamin D, (25-hydroxyvitamin D).
T he data from the breast cancer study showed individuals with the highest blood levels of 25(OH)D HAD the lowest risk factors for cancer.
Wouldn't it be great if we could prevent most breast cancers? The researchers for this cancer prevention vitamin divided the data from two studies into five equal groups from the lowest blood levels of 25(H)D to the highest level of 25(OH)D.
The data showing whether or not the individuals developed cancer was also included with these studies.
This is strong evidence that we are closer to developing a cancer prevention vitamin for breast cancer.
The cancer prevention vitamin data from the colorectal study was an analysis of five studies relating to 25(OH)D with risk of colon cancer.
All these studies involved subjects with a risk of colon cancer and explored the association of blood levels of 25(OH)D.
The levels were then checked 25 years later for the development of colorectal cancer.
According to one of the doctors involved in the study of the cancer prevention vitamin stated, "We project a two-thirds reduction in incidence with serum levels ...
which corresponds to a daily intake of 2,000 IU of vitamin D3.
This would be best achieved with a combination of diet, supplements and 10 to 15 minutes per day in the sun.
" We have several sources of vitamin D3 (possibly THE cancer prevention vitamin) in our daily routine.
We get vitamin D3 through exposure of the skin to sunlight, or ultraviolet B, our diet, and with nutritional supplements.
(It is important to note here that the researchers underscored the importance of limiting sun exposure such that the skin does not change color (tan) or burn.
) If you are sensitivity to sunlight, or you or a personal or family has a history of nonmelanoma skin cancer, any amount of extra sun exposure would be inadvisable.
Therefore a cancer prevention vitamin may be taken in higher dose for those how have this sensitivity.
That cancer prevention vitamin is easily available in some vitamin supplements.
Analysis of the colorectal cancer study had shown that in 2006 that a low dose of vitamin D (cancer prevention vitamin) didn't protect against colorectal cancer within seven years of follow-up.
However, the researchers wrote, the analysis did show that a higher dose (of cancer prevention vitamin) may reduce its incidence.
I am not a doctor so please consult your healthcare provider.