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Video Marketing - 5 Tips To Kick Start Your Videos

With YouTube having 27 hours of video uploaded every minute, video marketing is a force that is growing exponentially.
There are hundreds of video sharing sites and the volumes of traffic are incredible.
But how can you capitalize on video marketing.
Here's 5 tips to kick start your videos.
Keep Them As Short As Possible
A sad fact but true, peoples attention span on the internet is very short.
There's so much distraction people to tend to wander, so keep your videos short and sweet.
With video marketing you need to be able to get your idea across in as short a time as possible.
The First 10 Seconds Are Essential
This is the bit where you need to capture your audiences attention.
If the first 10 seconds are dull, then they're not going to hang around and waster their time.
So make it engaging! Try getting a video introduction done if you're serious about video marketing.
If you have a logo get a professional to animate it for you.
This can really make your video stand out and once you've got the animation you can use it in any video you create.
Don't Edit Your Live Videos
If you're filming yourself or other people face to face, then don't edit your videos.
Firstly, it's going to make your video jump from frame to frame, and secondly you want people to appear as real people.
You don't need to look or sound like a TV broadcaster to use video marketing effectively.
Try A Screen Recording
If you've think you've got a face made for radio, then try doing screen recordings directly from your computer, instead of face to face.
And don't be shy, remember you're always your own worst critic.
Just look at YouTube.
There's millions of crazy videos that people have not worried about other peoples opinions and just got out there and done it.
Don't Use a Script.
The best way to sound like you're reading on camera, is to...
Try not to use a script if possible.
Just create an outline, of what you want to say, practice it a bit, and then just talk about each of the points you want to make.
Remember if you don't like it you can always go back and do it again.
But once again don't be too worried.
People on video sharing sites aren't looking for perfection, they're looking for entertainment! So get started in video marketing by following these 5 tips.
Video marketing is all about engaging your audience, so if you lose them in the first few seconds you're not going to be successful.
Don't be shy to appear on camera.
People will warm to you much more quickly if you show your face.
Remember that the more videos you make the better you'll get at it.
And above all just be you.
Don't use a script, just learn your stuff and you'll sound like a pro!
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