Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

How to Use a Course Management System to Improve Classroom Communication

    • 1). Sell the idea to the school's technology staff. Convince them of the improvements a management system will make in classroom instruction. Secure their cooperation, commitment and much-needed help to get the system installed, since maintaining a Web server is required

    • 2
      Course outlines give the students the entire study picture at a glance.note pad image by Christopher Hall from

      Put your entire course online. Break it up into phases, and install one phase at time as you lead the class through the course. Leave in the previous phases as the class progresses to the next part of the course to give the students the complete layout and direction of the course.

    • 3). Set up each part of the course with the same learning layout. Allow students to become familiar with the layout or instruction sequence. This practice will create comfortable learners who will not mind reading or trying to guess what surprise comes next. Use the teaching method you have found most effective.

    • 4
      Homework keeps the classroom established train of thought going.vacation study 2 image by Paul Moore from

      Use the program to post daily homework assignments. Include the relevant presentation slides of the homework lesson and practice quizzes. Plan your lesson postings so they stay current, and provide enough material in advance of major tests to keep the faster-moving students busy.

    • 5). Link the courses within departments and grade levels. Set up the courses between teachers to achieve a seamless, sequential presentation of the subject matter. Discuss and coordinate the entire subject teaching material among fellow staff to avoid useless repetition or overteaching a single part of the body of knowledge.

    • 6
      One of the main keys of academic success is parental involvement.young parents outside image by .shock from

      Make parents fully aware of the Internet access provided to the students. Involve them in their children's learning. Solicit their feedback and helpful suggestions as much as possible without compromising learning and testing integrity.

    • 7). Remind parents and students that class lessons, homework and practice tests are readily available in case of consecutive or extended absences. Make it easier on the students to stay caught up even when they have to miss attending school.

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