Health & Medical Medicine

Orange County Compounding Medication Pharmacy - Overview and Benefits

Compounding medication is not at all a new concept and it is playing a significant role in medicine for a long period of time. It allows pharmacists to customize a specific medication to suit individual needs of a patient. While manufacturing compounded medicine, essential components are mixed in exact dosage and strength to meet the specific requirement of the sick person.

A brief history

Prior to 1940's most of the medications found in prescriptions were compounded. However, with the introduction of mass drug production during the 1950s and €60s, compounding lost its significance. It is because mass produced drugs aim to treat a particular medical condition for a huge number of people. Now, problem rises, when an individual patient was found suffering with a specific health problem and it was not possible to treat it with any of the drugs produced for mass. So, it was found that mas-produced medications cannot treat particular patient with unique health needs. This triggers the resurgence of custom medication, as it was soon realized that a pharmacist can play a pivotal role to help physicians in prescribing an exact treatment to suit individual needs.


Now, let us take a look at the benefits:

Compounding Provides Customized Medicines

A patient is often found allergic to any particular component, like lactose, dyes, sugar, gluten etc. that are commonly found in commercially manufactured drugs. Now, a compounding specialist can skillfully formulate a personalized medication for such a patient, leaving out the allergic ingredient.

Control Pain

Many individuals suffer from pain after having any particular drug. Dizziness, drowsiness and stomach pain are some of the common side effects related with mass produced drugs. Customized medicine is an effective solution to address such problems. A pharmacist with expertise in this field can create creams, sprays or gels by combining the essential components of traditional pain recovering suppositories.

Form or Flavor

Many patients find difficulty in swallowing tablets that are too large. Moreover, many medicines come with unpleasant flavor and taste. This makes patients, particularly in pediatric cases, to avoid such medications. Now, compounding chemists can make medicines palatable, without compromising with the effectiveness of the medication.

Manufacture Hard-to-find medicines

Often pharmaceutical companies stop manufacturing any specific medicine that has limited demand. Now, patients who were compatible with that particular drug will face trouble in obtaining it, as he or she will not be able to find it in the market. Any Orange County compounding pharmacy can efficiently manufacture such drugs that are difficult to find.

Hormone Replacement

Personalized medication for hormone therapy is highly beneficial for patients, who look for alternative hormone replacement rather than the conventional one. Pharmacologists can customize hormone therapy effectively to suit specific needs of individuals. It is highly effective to treat menopausal symptoms in women.

Veterinary Compounding

Commercial medications often do not suit all pets or animals, as they require particular dose to treat their ailment. Now, an expert compounding pharmacist can formulate veterinary medicine with an exact dose.

Is it safe?

Compounding medication has wide application, from hospitals, clinics to nuclear medicine. Over the last few decades, this field of medicine has made significant progress with the use of advanced researches and innovative techniques. It has been stated by the Food and Drug Administration that customized medicines are safe to use and compounded prescriptions are both legal and ethical, as long as licensed medical practitioners are prescribing them. So, there exist no doubt about its safety and therapeutic properties.

Can any pharmacy prepare such medicine?

Pharmacologists having good knowledge in compounding techniques are best to formulate these custom medicines, as the process requires skillful use of new techniques and latest innovations and ideas. However, you will be pleased to discover that a number of Orange County compounding pharmacy are equipped with specialized equipment and essential chemicals to manufacture a range of compound medicines. Moreover, most of the pharmacies also supply quality medical equipment in Orange County to facilitate health providers.

Pharmaceutical compounding can address a number of health related challenges in an effective way. However, it is important to look for the right medication from an expert physician.
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