The principal
- Do you know the principal's name?
- Would you recognize the principal if you saw him or her outside of school?
- Would you recognize the principal if you saw him or her in school?
- Would the principal recognize you?
- Have you ever had a conversation with the principal?
- Have you ever had a conversation with the principal that didn't involve your child being in trouble?
The administration
- Do you know if there's a vice principal at your child's school?
- A nurse?
- A guidance counselor?
- A school psychologist?
- A librarian?
- Can you name any of those people?
- Would you recognize any of them if you saw them outside of school?
- Would you recognize any of them if you saw them in school?
- Would any of them recognize you?
- Have you ever had a conversation with any of these people?
- Have you ever had a conversation with any of these people that didn't involve your child being in trouble or ill?
- Do you know if the school nurse is full-time or part-time?
The teachers
- Do you know the name of your child's teacher or teachers?
- Do you know the gender of your child's teacher or teachers?
- Would you recognize any of your child's teachers if you saw them outside of school?
- Would you recognize any of your child's teachers if you saw them in school?
- Would your child's teacher or teachers recognize you?
- Have you ever had a conversation with your child's teacher or teachers?
- Have you ever had a conversation with your child's teacher or teachers that didn't involve your child being in trouble?
The staff
- Do you know if there are any aides in your child's classroom?
- If so, do you know their names and what they do?
- Do you know the names of the therapists your child works with?
- Do you know where your child goes for therapy?
- Do you know when your child has therapy?
- Do you know when your child misses therapy?
The building
- Do you know the address of your child's school?
- Do you know how to get there?
- From the front door of your child's school, could you find the office unassisted?
- The gym?
- The library?
- The cafeteria?
- The nurse's office?
- Your child's classroom?
- Your child's locker?
- The child study team office?
- The counselor's office?
- The teacher's lounge?
- Do you know how your child enters the school in the morning?
- Do you know where your child goes when he or she gets to school?
- Do you know where your child waits for the bus after school?
- Do you know how your child exits the school in the afternoon?
- Do you know where the playground is?
The office
- Do you know the phone number for your child's school?
- Do you know the name of the school secretary?
- Do you know the nurse's phone number?
- Do you know if your school has a Web site?
- If so, do you know the url?
- Do you know how to get in touch with your child's teacher?
- Do you know if the teacher has an e-mail address or Web presence?
- Does the school know how to get in touch with you?
The social scene
- Do you know when your school's parent-teacher organization meets?
- Have you ever been to a meeting?
- Have you ever volunteered for anything?
- Do you know what clubs the school offers?
- Do you know if there's a music program?
- Do you know if there are extracurricular activities your child could participate in?
- Do you know the names of your child's classmates?