Credit cards, a long time ago, could only be accepted by certain merchants in certain places. Today however a credit card is nearly as good as cash practically wherever you go. Even out of the way places like Renaissance fairs, ball parks and convention centers which were traditionally cash only places have become credit card friendly thanks to smartphone processing.
What is Smartphone Processing?
A smartphone merchant is someone that has a smartphone, and the capacity to use it to accept credit card payments. All he or she needs is the proper smartphone, the appropriate application, a basic piece of plug in hardware that allows the credit card to be swiped, and access to the Internet. Once all of those things are in place, the smartphone merchant can transform a simple phone into a credit card reader and never miss the opportunity to accept a payment again.
The Advantages
The obvious advantage is that iPhone Processing can be used anywhere there's a signal. This is especially important for merchants that need to move and who need access no matter where they are or what they're doing. Say that you have a business going to a boat convention, and a customer wants to make a purchase. It's doubtful they'd have thousands of dollars in cash, and if they need to go to your business then you might lose their sale in transit. However, with iphone Processing you can swipe their credit card right there for the down payment, get the paperwork filled out, and you've made your sale. It's easy, fast, convenient and it makes certain that the customer can pay right then using whatever method he or she sees fit to use.
The Wave of the Future
iPhone Processing is still used mainly by smaller companies, and by companies that travel a great deal. However, it is quickly becoming the norm. As a result debit and credit cards can now be used practically anywhere and for nearly any kind of purchase. With the smartphone becoming such a part of modern day life though, it's only a matter of time until merchants offer smartphone scanning as a way to make payments. Customers simply wave their phone over a reader, the reader charges their account, and the payments are made. It's not science fiction... it's already coming. And just like credit cards what can only be used in a few stores today will be everywhere tomorrow.
What is Smartphone Processing?
A smartphone merchant is someone that has a smartphone, and the capacity to use it to accept credit card payments. All he or she needs is the proper smartphone, the appropriate application, a basic piece of plug in hardware that allows the credit card to be swiped, and access to the Internet. Once all of those things are in place, the smartphone merchant can transform a simple phone into a credit card reader and never miss the opportunity to accept a payment again.
The Advantages
The obvious advantage is that iPhone Processing can be used anywhere there's a signal. This is especially important for merchants that need to move and who need access no matter where they are or what they're doing. Say that you have a business going to a boat convention, and a customer wants to make a purchase. It's doubtful they'd have thousands of dollars in cash, and if they need to go to your business then you might lose their sale in transit. However, with iphone Processing you can swipe their credit card right there for the down payment, get the paperwork filled out, and you've made your sale. It's easy, fast, convenient and it makes certain that the customer can pay right then using whatever method he or she sees fit to use.
The Wave of the Future
iPhone Processing is still used mainly by smaller companies, and by companies that travel a great deal. However, it is quickly becoming the norm. As a result debit and credit cards can now be used practically anywhere and for nearly any kind of purchase. With the smartphone becoming such a part of modern day life though, it's only a matter of time until merchants offer smartphone scanning as a way to make payments. Customers simply wave their phone over a reader, the reader charges their account, and the payments are made. It's not science fiction... it's already coming. And just like credit cards what can only be used in a few stores today will be everywhere tomorrow.