- Loam is dark brown or black in color with a crumbly texture. It consists of relatively equal parts of sand, silt and clay. It has a scent that is strong but not rancid.
- Loam is primarily used as a planting medium. Sand increases the drainage of the medium. Clay allows for some moisture retention. Silt is organic matter that adds fertility.
- The six different types of loam are sandy loam, clay loam, silty loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay loam and normal loam. Different types are made by adjusting the levels of silt, sand and clay in the mixture.
- Loam is a versatile medium that can be adjusted to suit most plants and garden beds. It is easy to work with even when damp, and does not clump or thicken easily.
- On April 22, 1997, the state legislature of Alabama named sandy loam the state soil. It is used extensively in Alabama, covering over 360,000 acres in 26 counties.