This article is aimed at female readers but the principles discussed could just as easily apply to a male person as well.
As A Women You Could Be Subject to Violence in Your Home, in the Street, in Your Vehicle or Relationship! But a women who knows something about how to defend herself in a crises is much better off than the women who does not.
Learning simple counter attacks is your best chance of surviving a physical assault.
If you take the time to learn just a few simple techniques, you will stand a much better chance of getting away from any attacker.
In other words, the way you react in the first few seconds of any attack could determine the outcome of the rest of your life or a loved one.
Listen up! You know there are no soft hearted rapists or killers out there.
It is your responsibility to ensure you do not become another crime statistic.
Today's criminals are merciless.
Of course, avoidance is the best policy.
But today it's becoming more and more impossible to avoid danger on our streets.
None of us are immune.
So it makes sense to have a survival plan worked out in advance in case the unthinkable should happen to you.
Something as simple as an escape and evasion plan decided on in advance.
So if anyone does try to harm you.
You'll know instantly what to do and how to deal with it.
Sounds easy doesn't it? Well that's because it is.
Let me explain.
Anyone, any age, anywhere in a matter of hours or days can learn a few simple self defence techniques in order to fight back against and deter a vicious attacker who wants to hurt you.
Yes, you can learn enough different moves and be able to apply them.
In fact, all over the world women are doing exactly that.
Fighting back and winning.
The bottom line is, so many women think they can't be strong in the face of danger, but I'm here to tell you that anyone can be.
Women don't have to be the weaker sex.
You can be strong and effective.
Don't be a victim learn how to be aware of situations before they happen and how to defend yourself by reading and putting into practice the useful information revealed in a brand new manual written specifically to help women from becoming victims of crime.
I highly recommend you read it because it can literally mean the difference between life and death.
Don't become just another statistic.
It's Time to Fight Back and Win.
As A Women You Could Be Subject to Violence in Your Home, in the Street, in Your Vehicle or Relationship! But a women who knows something about how to defend herself in a crises is much better off than the women who does not.
Learning simple counter attacks is your best chance of surviving a physical assault.
If you take the time to learn just a few simple techniques, you will stand a much better chance of getting away from any attacker.
In other words, the way you react in the first few seconds of any attack could determine the outcome of the rest of your life or a loved one.
Listen up! You know there are no soft hearted rapists or killers out there.
It is your responsibility to ensure you do not become another crime statistic.
Today's criminals are merciless.
Of course, avoidance is the best policy.
But today it's becoming more and more impossible to avoid danger on our streets.
None of us are immune.
So it makes sense to have a survival plan worked out in advance in case the unthinkable should happen to you.
Something as simple as an escape and evasion plan decided on in advance.
So if anyone does try to harm you.
You'll know instantly what to do and how to deal with it.
Sounds easy doesn't it? Well that's because it is.
Let me explain.
Anyone, any age, anywhere in a matter of hours or days can learn a few simple self defence techniques in order to fight back against and deter a vicious attacker who wants to hurt you.
Yes, you can learn enough different moves and be able to apply them.
In fact, all over the world women are doing exactly that.
Fighting back and winning.
The bottom line is, so many women think they can't be strong in the face of danger, but I'm here to tell you that anyone can be.
Women don't have to be the weaker sex.
You can be strong and effective.
Don't be a victim learn how to be aware of situations before they happen and how to defend yourself by reading and putting into practice the useful information revealed in a brand new manual written specifically to help women from becoming victims of crime.
I highly recommend you read it because it can literally mean the difference between life and death.
Don't become just another statistic.
It's Time to Fight Back and Win.