- Legislation regarding crossbows is generally enacted by individual states. There is considerable variation in the law between each state. Some allow you to use a crossbow within certain seasons or only in certain places. There may also be other restrictions. United States environmental laws apply to the shooting of some species, for example endangered animals and migratory birds. These apply in all states including Massachusetts.
- Massachusetts law allows the use of conventional archery equipment, but prohibits all hunters from hunting with, or to have while hunting, any bow drawn or held by mechanical means. This includes crossbows. People with permanent disabilities that prevent them from using ordinary archery equipment can use crossbows if they have a permit. If you wish to apply for such a permit, you will have to submit a statement from a licensed physician to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) stating that you are permanently disabled and can't use conventional archery equipment.
- On a trap, skeet or target range, crossbows may be used by any person for target practice without breaking the law, regardless of whether they have a permit or not.
United States Law
Disabled Hunters
Target Practice