- 1). Script a background story for your superhero which explains how his personality was formed and how he came to develop or receive his powers. Devise comprehensive character outlines for the superhero's parents and a timeline of the superhero's formative childhood and adolescent experiences, educational background, the event or accident that brought about his special ability and possible personal links between the superhero and the recurring villains.
- 2). Conceive of the superhero's personal appearance in detail. Visualize the appearance of the superhero's parents to help determine the physical attributes the superhero has inherited. Inherited physical traits may be modified due to lifestyle choices and any decisive event or accident which has granted your superhero her powers. Consider any specific physical changes to the superhero's anatomy which may have resulted from a mishap, and which would aid her in fighting crime and corruption.
- 3). Design a superhero costume which is eye-catching and representative of the character. Consider the personality of the hero and his specific crime-fighting goals when designing his trademark outfit. For example, flying superheroes might utilize capes or wings, while fast-running superheroes might wear special boots. Conceive of a costume which, though iconic and striking, will also be easy to repeatedly draw for multiple frames.
- 4). Create detailed character outlines of the villains your superhero will be contending with. The more essential the villain is to the overall storyline, the more detailed the character outline should be. Devise the characters of these antagonists the same way you would devise the characters of the protagonists, focusing on physical appearance, parents and upbringing, singular events that may have given them special abilities, etc.