Business & Finance Careers & Employment

Why Would Anyone Want to Work in the Energy Industry?

Unemployment is running rampant in America today. And yet, the oil, energy and gas industry can't hire enough employees. What's wrong with this picture?

Energy is What Makes the World Go Round
There isn't much we do in this world that doesn't require the use of one kind of energy or another. Someone has to supply that energy. Over 0.5 million people are employed in the energy industry and the push is on to hire even more. In an economy where jobs are being eliminated daily how does the energy industry manage to offer such positions as training, customer service, human resources, management, technical positions, marketing and communications? Simple. Not enough people are trained in the fields of gas, oil and energy. Electrical demands alone are expected to increase by nearly 50% in the next 14 years. Keeping up with that kind of demand requires not only numerous employees in staggering numbers but new and younger people to fill those spots. When the energy industry tanked awhile back, no one was training for jobs that obviously no one would be hiring for. Now as the Energy Industries' employee population is aging the industry finds itself in a rather precarious position.

It's Not Such a Bad Deal
Even with today's economy there are a good number of perks to be found when working for utilities and energy companies. Job security, benefits, great compensation, and handsome retirement packages are just some of the pluses to working in this field. The use of emerging technologies in the pursuit of finding alternate sources of energy is an ongoing project. There just aren't enough people out there right now to cover all the positions that need to be filled in order to maintain current, and develop new, methods of powering the world.

I don't see someone my age jumping on board this train; but the younger generation could reduce its unemployment concerns by taking advantage of the Energy Industries needs.
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