Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

What to Expect When You Want to Stop Smoking Weed

By far, the most popular drug in America is weed.
More people use marijuana than any other narcotic.
Unlike other "harder" drugs, marijuana has never been given their evil status.
However, many people are having a hard time figuring out how to quit smoking pot.
The truth is though, there are many great reasons to stop smoking weed.
Since smoking marijuana is so common it can be very difficult to stop smoking and can seem overwhelming to many.
Those who have decided to stop smoking pot are usually not prepared for the long road that they will need to travel.
For instance I quit smoking weed and was caught off guard by the many struggles that presented themselves that I was not prepared for at all.
One of the many was the psychological need for the high I got when smoking weed.
What I didn't realize was that I was addicted to smoking weed even if I never realized it.
Falling asleep was one of the biggest things I struggled with when I stopped smoking weed.
Since I was so use to getting high before I went to bed I couldn't turn my brain off.
I felt like I needed to smoke in order to relax and unwind.
This is just one of many struggles that people will experience who have smoked marijuana for a long period of time.
When you decide to stop smoking weed you have to remember that it will be challenging and will take a large amount of willpower.
However the benefits are well worth it.
Anxiety is also very common among people that are trying to stop smoking weed.
The reason people feel so much anxiety is because they have a psychological "need" for the high they are used to.
The human brain becomes accustomed to being high and when you stop using your brain begins to crave it.
The mental aspect is the hardest to overcome but when committed to the process it will happen.
Another problem that plagues pot smokers that are looking to stop smoking weed are the people that they hang out with on a regular basis.
Since pot smokers spend most of their time with other pot smokers it is helpful to meet new people that do not smoke marijuana.
You don't have to stop hanging out with your current friend's altogether but if they still smoke weed and have to intention to stop anytime soon it is not a good idea to hang out with them while you are trying to quit clean up your life.
It is best to surround yourself with a set of people that do not use drugs until you are confident that you will not fall back into your habits.
Quitting weed is a very difficult road to travel but when you become serious about what you want to achieve it will happen.
The decision to stop smoking weed will be the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Start enjoying life now and get back to living a normal more gratifying life.
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