- 1). Create an email account. Many of the market research companies communicate solely by email, so create an account using any of the free email providers online. You never know if your email address will be sold or shared, so it's a good idea to have a separate account from your personal email. Gmail, Yahoo and MSN all have reliable, free email services.
- 2). Apply to the online marketing companies. Visit the websites for the marketing survey companies and register with them to find out about future and on-going surveys. Often you will need to fill out detailed information about yourself, such as income, marital status and other personal information so that they know which demographic you fall under.
- 3). Complete the online surveys. If selected to participate in a marketing survey or group, you will receive an email with specific instructions for you to follow. Typically, in order to get paid the full amount for the survey or group, you must follow these directions carefully. It may be as simple as filling out a questionnaire about breakfast cereal or an invitation to join an online chat on a specific date. Make sure you answer all questions and that you submit the survey at the end.
- 4). Set up a payment account. Online surveys may not pay out until you've reached a certain dollar amount in your account. Sometimes you will earn points or monies that can be exchanged for giftcards or products online. Other times, you may be paid through PayPal. It's a good idea to have a separate account for these types of opportunities so that your other counts are protected in the case of fraud.
- 5). Find in person marketing groups. Often these are listed under the Jobs, Etc. listing on website such as Craigslist. Find the largest metropolitan area near you and check here for listings for focus groups and marketing surveys. Often these pay with Visa gift-cards or a check at the end of the event. Frequently in-person marketing surveys involve taste-testing or physical evaluations of products. Other companies may list in-person opportunities on their website.