Health & Medical Women's Health

Coping With Cyst On Ovary Symptoms: What You Can Do Now To Eliminate Your Discomfort

If you are struggling with the pain and discomfort of a cyst on ovary, you are probably looking for tips on what to do about both the cyst and the discomfort. Many doctors recommend a wait and see approach to a simple functional cyst, but you still have to cope with the pain that is often associated with a cyst on an ovary.

A good number of ovarian cysts don't result in any symptoms at all. When they do, the most common symptoms include pressure, pain and swelling in the abdomen and pelvic pain. A cyst may also cause a dull ache in the lower back that extends into the thigh. You may experience pain during intercourse and pain during your period. Abnormal bleeding is not uncommon. Symptoms depend on the size and type of the cyst on ovary that is present.

Occasionally, a cyst on an ovary will become large enough to put pressure on the bladder and bowel and cause constipation or problem urinating. Some women experience symptoms similar to being pregnant that include nausea and vomiting and breast tenderness. If you experience pain accompanied by fever and vomiting or severe, sudden abdominal pain, you should seek immediate medical treatment. Other concerning symptoms are dizziness, rapid breathing, weakness and fainting.

Fortunately, if your symptoms do not require emergency medical treatment there are steps you can take to help a cyst on ovary dissolve and this will alleviate your symptoms. It is important to verify that you do indeed have a cyst and not some other condition.

There are many other conditions that have similar symptoms. A cyst must be diagnosed by a medical professional and this is usually done by an ultrasound test that allows the doctor to see the size and shape of the cyst. He or she can then determine what type of cyst it is and recommend a treatment plan.

Your doctor may also want to test your hormone levels to see if there is a problem that is related to your hormones. Another common test is the CA-125 blood test that helps the doctor rule out cancer. When cancer is present the CA-125 levels are higher.

One of the main functions of the ovaries is the production of hormones. A hormone imbalance that results in a cyst on ovary and related complications often is the reason for the problem. Hormone levels are easily influenced by many factors. Some women have a genetic predisposition to hormone imbalance and resulting ovarian cysts. But just as many women are affected as a result of lifestyle and eating habits.

Unremitting stress can have an enormous impact on ones overall health, including hormone levels. If you are under a great deal of stress and have been diagnosed with a cyst on an ovary one of the best things that you may be able to do for yourself and the healing process is to take steps to reduce the stress in your life. Cut back on any obligations and commitments that you can and begin to include relaxing and restful activities in their place.

We live in a stressful society and many women are not even aware of the amount of stress they live with on a daily basis. Exercise is an excellent means of counteracting stress, as is a healthy diet and the elimination of fast food, sugar, excessive caffeine and other foods that only contain empty calories.

Getting enough sleep each night can also make a difference in the body's ability to cope with stress and help bring your hormone levels back into balance. Taking a holistic approach to the cyst on ovary treatment will bring faster healing and decrease the likelihood of future cysts developing.
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