Prostate glands are walnut-sized tubular-alveolar exocrine glands connected to the reproductive system of men.
These glands produce and store seminal fluids that are used to nourish sperms.
Prostate cancer is the abnormal production of cells in the prostate gland.
It is the form of cancer which commonly affects men worldwide.
More than 30,000 men are being diagnosed having prostate tumor each year in U.
However, the total number of cases which succumb to tumor of the prostate or rate of survival depends in the stages of malignancy.
The chances of survival or prognosis of prostate tumor is hard to predict since the growth of tumor cells depend on several factors.
The stage of prostate tumor is determined with the use of Gleason score.
There is a low grade or initial stage of prostate tumor if the Gleason reading is 2, 3, and up to 4.
If the reading is five, six or seven, the tumor is in the intermediate stage and there is advanced stage of cancer or high grade cancer of the prostate if the Gleason reading is eight, nine or ten.
All these stages are indicative of the development of tumor cells.
An elevated grade of cancer is possible to develop quickly and becomes malignant.
This highly developed stage of tumor is occasionally called the T4 stage.
The most advanced stage of prostate tumor occurs mostly in twenty percent of patients.
The survival rate of patients with advanced stage of prostate cancer is 1:3; which means that in every three patients only one patient survives for duration of five years or more.
In the fourth stage, the chances of tumor cells scattering and affecting some other organs are even greater.
It is also in the fourth stage of the prostate tumor when bone metastases occur.
The standard continued existence of a patient having stage four prostate tumors is one to three years.
The survival rate depends whether the cancer patient is under medical therapy or not.
Patients undergoing a series of chemotherapy and exposure to radiation or prostatectomy may extend their existence for two years.
Without any treatment, the patients will give in a period of six to nine months.
These glands produce and store seminal fluids that are used to nourish sperms.
Prostate cancer is the abnormal production of cells in the prostate gland.
It is the form of cancer which commonly affects men worldwide.
More than 30,000 men are being diagnosed having prostate tumor each year in U.
However, the total number of cases which succumb to tumor of the prostate or rate of survival depends in the stages of malignancy.
The chances of survival or prognosis of prostate tumor is hard to predict since the growth of tumor cells depend on several factors.
The stage of prostate tumor is determined with the use of Gleason score.
There is a low grade or initial stage of prostate tumor if the Gleason reading is 2, 3, and up to 4.
If the reading is five, six or seven, the tumor is in the intermediate stage and there is advanced stage of cancer or high grade cancer of the prostate if the Gleason reading is eight, nine or ten.
All these stages are indicative of the development of tumor cells.
An elevated grade of cancer is possible to develop quickly and becomes malignant.
This highly developed stage of tumor is occasionally called the T4 stage.
The most advanced stage of prostate tumor occurs mostly in twenty percent of patients.
The survival rate of patients with advanced stage of prostate cancer is 1:3; which means that in every three patients only one patient survives for duration of five years or more.
In the fourth stage, the chances of tumor cells scattering and affecting some other organs are even greater.
It is also in the fourth stage of the prostate tumor when bone metastases occur.
The standard continued existence of a patient having stage four prostate tumors is one to three years.
The survival rate depends whether the cancer patient is under medical therapy or not.
Patients undergoing a series of chemotherapy and exposure to radiation or prostatectomy may extend their existence for two years.
Without any treatment, the patients will give in a period of six to nine months.