Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

The Benefits Of Quitting Smoking For Good

If you want to quit smoking for good, it will be a process that takes a long time to accomplish. Stopping smoking is an incremental process that you will have to remain dedicated towards your efforts in accomplishing. Once you make the decision to stop and quit, you will start reaping the benefits within an hour of giving up the habit.

Once you stop smoking your blood pressure and pulse will return to normal levels in sometimes as little as an hour. After you have been off of cigarettes for 8 hours, the nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood stream will be reduced by at least half with the oxygen levels back to normal levels. At the same time your lungs will start to get rid of the mucous and other toxins that have been built up from the time that you have been smoking.

Starting on Day 2 of no longer smoking, there will no longer be nicotine in your body. Your senses of smell and taste will also be vastly improved. On Day 3, you will start to find it easier to breathe because the bronchial tubes will have relaxed and your energy levels will have increased. During the 2nd through 12th weeks your overall circulation will be improved. From the 3-9 month point after stopping smoking you will see coughing, and breathing problems almost eliminated as your lungs continue to repair themselves from the damage done by smoking. After five years of not smoking, your risk of heart failure will be reduced to less than of that when you were smoking. At the 10 year point your risk of lung cancer and heard attack will reduce to the levels of a non-smoker.

Trying to quit smoking is hard to do. If you are able to quit smoking for good, you will start to see the benefits almost immediately and can start to take control of your life again. Once you are successful at kicking the habit, you will have more confidence in yourself and find yourself living a much healthier and longer life. If you have previously tried to stop smoking, however, and could not stay committed to quitting, then you should take time to develop a stop smoking plan and look at the available stop smoking aids on the market to help you quit smoking for good. Keep in mind that you are undertaking one of the hardest challenges in your life, but it can be accomplished if you have the mental will power to do so!
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