I understand you've heard of Kathy Ireland.
However, I never realized how hot she was-you have to keep in mind, I was about 8 years old when she was running wild on the model scene.
What I noticed in the newsletter was not how hot she was as a person, i.
physical looks, but as a businesswoman.
When I saw this and read her bio, I was jaw-dropped in amazement.
I immediately took the next two of my days and started doing research on Kathy Ireland the Great.
What I soon read made me realize I could push the limits and expectations for myself up a level.
We all know how great looking Kathy Ireland is, but she's more than looks: she's a business owner, mother, and role model.
The first thing I noticed in my research was she runs a business that is worth more than a billion dollars.
Yes, that's with a B.
The wild part of it is she started from her kitchen table selling socks.
People looked at her like she was nuts.
Her friends and family told her she was crazy for starting a business selling socks, yet her belief, drive, and focus kept her moving forward.
She had doors slammed in her face.
Thousands of people told her NO not only to modeling, but to her business ideas also.
When I read this I just smiled because I can relate to Kathy when it comes to rejection.
Rejection is the ultimate path to success.
The challenge is so many people never have the guts to get past the rejection and keep pushing forward.
Kathy said, "Rejection is something everyone faces.
" It's true; every person striving for success goes through many amounts of disappointments and rejection.
The key is whether you decide to keep moving forward or decide to give up-or even worse, never get started.
You may be saying to yourself as you read this, "Well Bri, she has all the looks, she's really pretty, she probably slept with 500 guys to get her business going and to become successful.
" All I say is you may want to rethink your thoughts.
The fact of the matter is she became highly successful by working hard, not letting others influence her, and being able to handle rejection.
It's easy to judge others.
I'd ask you one thing though.
What are you doing in your life that's at a higher level? I challenge you to do the same.
When I look at someone's life like Kathy Ireland, she makes me want to raise my level.
She makes me want to get up an extra hour earlier everyday.
She makes me want to help more people.
She makes me want to market my products and services to others, so I can have a bigger impact in other people's lives.
More importantly, Kathy reminds me that it does take hard work and she even went through tons of rejection, which fuels me to want even more rejection.
My point is this.
I know we can all do more.
We can all touch more lives and reach levels of success that are only limited to our belief in ourselves.
Kathy Ireland is not only a supermodel, but she runs a billion dollar business, she's a mom of three, she's head of the Christian education alliance, and she donates more time and money to helping others.
When you (I) say we're tired, I'd look at Kathy Ireland's life.
When we say, "We can't do any more," I'd look at Kathy Ireland's life.
I honestly feel I can do more now that I know what Kathy Ireland does in the world.
I should honestly be pissed at myself if I ever say I'm tired again.
I understand you've heard of Kathy Ireland.
However, I never realized how hot she was-you have to keep in mind, I was about 8 years old when she was running wild on the model scene.
What I noticed in the newsletter was not how hot she was as a person, i.
physical looks, but as a businesswoman.
When I saw this and read her bio, I was jaw-dropped in amazement.
I immediately took the next two of my days and started doing research on Kathy Ireland the Great.
What I soon read made me realize I could push the limits and expectations for myself up a level.
We all know how great looking Kathy Ireland is, but she's more than looks: she's a business owner, mother, and role model.
The first thing I noticed in my research was she runs a business that is worth more than a billion dollars.
Yes, that's with a B.
The wild part of it is she started from her kitchen table selling socks.
People looked at her like she was nuts.
Her friends and family told her she was crazy for starting a business selling socks, yet her belief, drive, and focus kept her moving forward.
She had doors slammed in her face.
Thousands of people told her NO not only to modeling, but to her business ideas also.
When I read this I just smiled because I can relate to Kathy when it comes to rejection.
Rejection is the ultimate path to success.
The challenge is so many people never have the guts to get past the rejection and keep pushing forward.
Kathy said, "Rejection is something everyone faces.
" It's true; every person striving for success goes through many amounts of disappointments and rejection.
The key is whether you decide to keep moving forward or decide to give up-or even worse, never get started.
You may be saying to yourself as you read this, "Well Bri, she has all the looks, she's really pretty, she probably slept with 500 guys to get her business going and to become successful.
" All I say is you may want to rethink your thoughts.
The fact of the matter is she became highly successful by working hard, not letting others influence her, and being able to handle rejection.
It's easy to judge others.
I'd ask you one thing though.
What are you doing in your life that's at a higher level? I challenge you to do the same.
When I look at someone's life like Kathy Ireland, she makes me want to raise my level.
She makes me want to get up an extra hour earlier everyday.
She makes me want to help more people.
She makes me want to market my products and services to others, so I can have a bigger impact in other people's lives.
More importantly, Kathy reminds me that it does take hard work and she even went through tons of rejection, which fuels me to want even more rejection.
My point is this.
I know we can all do more.
We can all touch more lives and reach levels of success that are only limited to our belief in ourselves.
Kathy Ireland is not only a supermodel, but she runs a billion dollar business, she's a mom of three, she's head of the Christian education alliance, and she donates more time and money to helping others.
When you (I) say we're tired, I'd look at Kathy Ireland's life.
When we say, "We can't do any more," I'd look at Kathy Ireland's life.
I honestly feel I can do more now that I know what Kathy Ireland does in the world.
I should honestly be pissed at myself if I ever say I'm tired again.