- 1). You regularly exceed your budget and are in debt. Perhaps your credit cards are nearly maxed out, yet you cannot stop from buying things you truly cannot afford. Also, you may be finding it impossible to save for anything you really do need. If you cannot pay your bills on time, creditors are calling and you are still overspending, you have a shopping addiction.
- 2). Your shopping is incessant, either daily or several times weekly. Plus, when you are not at the stores, you are Internet shopping or watching a shopping channel.
- 3). Your purchases become compulsive. For example, if a pair of sandals catches your eye, you have to buy more than one pair. However, sometimes you find yourself returning some items the next day.
- 4). Hiding purchases is your habit and you even maintain secret credit card debt out of shame or to keep the peace with your spouse. Often, you sneak purchases into the house. You have had many clashes in which you tried justifying your purchases and do not want further conflict.
- 5). Check your emotions. You are filled with anticipation at your next shopping trip or Internet buy but can emerge with feelings of guilt and anxiety. When you are down, you justify a purchase because you want to make yourself feel better. When something goes well, you feel you deserve a purchase as a reward. Your emotions run the gamut from elation to guilt and even depression.